May 23, 2017

The Sacred Flame


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Play about a Christian legend

This play, written in verse by Gottfried Richter, is based on one of the Christian legends by the Swedish writer Selma Lagerlöf. Professor Mônica von Beckedorff did the literal translation from German to Portuguese. From this translation, Ruth Salles recreated the verses. The legend, full of charm and fantasy, refers to the adventures of a crusader knight.

Suggested for 12 to 13 year olds.
Light angel
four crusader knights
two demons
five robbers
two maids
Two women
two noble lords
Two choirs of Storytellers

NOTE: depending on the number of students, the Choirs of Storytellers may be made up of those who are not currently on stage.


EVERYONE (enters singing):
“We are pilgrims on pilgrimage.
We were chosen to search
around the world a new light, a new light.
The darkness will light up.
That light the Christ will kindle.
The darkness will light up.
The Christ will light.”

– Many, many years ago,
there lived a brave young man in Florence.
As the strongest in the entire region,
became violent, fierce, braggart.
Causing heartbreak on all sides,
in everything he always wanted to be first;
but still he was well respected,
for all feared the brave Raniero.

FRANCESC (enters speaking sadly):
– The love I feel for my beloved
was like a veil of golden cloth,
but little by little it was torn apart.
In his violence, Raniero tore him apart
when my father he betrayed,
when my brother he humiliated,
when my little bird wanted to shoot an arrow.
So despite my great love,
to my father's house I decided to return.
– Watch for Raniero, O protective Angel!
Look at the love my soul feels!
Get him to do the right thing! (she leaves)

- Raniero then put to sea
and, united with the crusaders, he went to war.
Raniero, of all, was the bravest;
his reputation as a fort grew steadily.
jerusalem, holy city,
it had to be reconquered;
for in it he died and rose again
Christ Jesus our Saviour.
And, after hard struggles, the brave crusaders,
stormed the holy city. (Raniero and the 4 horsemen pass)

“But the greatest glory went to Raniero,
why did you climb the walls first
and thus decided victory for us.

- Let's pay him homage.
for all acts of supreme courage.

– The Holy Sepulcher we are going to visit!

– Hey!! Everyone walking! (go walking)

– On the day that the body of Christ Jesus
in the bosom of the earth was deposited,
there the sacred light was ignited
in which the whole world will be renewed.

- I will be the first to light my candle
on the sacred candles of the Holy Sepulcher!

1st CHORUS (while the scene goes on):
- Because of your bravery,
Raniero takes first place.
filled with pride,
light your candle on the altar fire.
And now, weary, the brave crusaders
rest in the tents there.

2nd CHORUS (while the scene goes on):
- With all due caution,
Raniero protects the candle flame.
But it grows in your chest
the fire of pride for his great deeds.
In hell, the Evil One laughs,
for behold a soul to destroy.

(The two demons appear jumping and surround Raniero.)

1st DEMON:
– Step over the others, Raniero!
You must remember to always be the first!

2nd DEMON:
- Think only of yourself and the tributes
who will pay you for your courage!

“But Francesca, at that very moment,
in his house he kneels and prays.

FRANCESCA (appears and kneels down, hands folded):
- It's night already.
Where will Raniero rest?
– Watch over him, O protective Angel!
Look at the love my soul feels.
Get him to do the right thing!

ANGEL OF LIGHT (walking to Raniero):
- I watch over you.

1st DEMON:
– He belongs to me!

2nd DEMON:
– He belongs to me!

- You will only do what I let you,
for the love of God to manifest itself.

1st DEMON:
– I will instigate you, then,
to follow the path of perdition...

2nd DEMON:
- The holy flame
it will burn in your chest the longing for fame.
I want a messenger now! Ready! He's coming!

(The Fool appears, and the 2nd demon whispers in his ear.)

- I will turn evil into good.

1st CHORUS (while the scene takes place only with gestures and laughter, but in silence):
– There are the crusaders making a racket,
drinking and singing in the pitched tents.
Raniero, the brave, in the fight is the best,
but in the festivities the worst is shown.
After the battles, it's always a consolation
hear the heavy quips of a Fool.

BOBO (sings; 2nd choir may sing along):
“Prepare your ears, my lords!
I will tell you what happened.
Prepare your ears, my lords!
I will tell you what happened.
To Holy Cavalry I will pay homage,
I will pay homage,
for strength and courage still reign in her.”

- Let's get on with it, Bobo!

1st KNIGHT (with a cup of drink in hand):
- Oh, Raniero!
Welcome be some jokes
to our well-watered celebration!

BOBO (continues his story talking):
– There is Saint Peter at the gates of heaven
looking down here at the crowd.
And he sees how she was set free
the land that had been taken.
And who most pleased him among the knights
it was the hero who lit his candle first
in the Holy Sepulcher, in the sacred fire.

RANIERO (hands out coins to the Fool, who refuses them):
– Take these coins and disappear!

- No! None of that!
You have to finish what you start.

- And now the story gets funnier!

– Saint Peter thought: “As the hero takes good care of
of the flame, for no candlestick he has
and anchor your sail with heavy stones!
It will be out of respect for the sacrifice of Christ,
Or is it just out of pride that you do all this?
Oh no! I really believe that this fierce crusader
into a gentle little lamb has already been transformed
by the flame he protects all the time!…

– This one is with Raniero, and he will not tolerate it!
Go grab Bobo by the collars!

BOBO (continuing):
– The hero will leave his rich spoils,
will honor the old, the poor, the weak
and, with a pious and blessed look
to Florence will go back.

RANIERO (advances to the Bobo and bumps into the sail):
- Look, I crush you and throw you in the mud!

– Raniero! Watch out! The flame! (Bobo takes advantage and runs away)

– Poor Bobo ran away very quickly…

– Hey, Raniero, how will you keep your promise?
what have you done to the Madonna of the cathedral in Florence?
You promised to always take him
the most valuable trophy of each battle,
to see in Florence increase your fame.
This time, the most worthy trophy you have is the flame.

“I think Raniero will break his word,
for he will never be able to carry the flame home.

RANIERO (angry, grabs the other by the arm):
– Scum! What are you muttering over there?

4TH KNIGHT (without losing his cool):
– That with a lit candle you cannot travel.

– Pass through so many leagues of enemy lands
with a candle in your hand, it's risking your life!

- For I say that the flame I will carry,
and next to Madonna's image she will shine!

– Raniero, think about what you are saying.
If you leave the crusade, you lose right to the prize
which, by your deeds, is destined for you:
the title of duke and the lands of a duchy.

- I swear I will keep my promise.
that I made to the Madonna of the church in Florence.
And now, all disappear from my presence! (the knights leave)

2nd CHORUS (while Raniero leaves with candle in hand):
– The next day, before dawn,
Raniero part in his cavalcade.

RANIERO (smell of importance and pride):
– Ah, with the gold I have, there by the sea,
I will pay a ship to take me.
Furthermore, I am richly armed,
and my sword is worth more than twenty cruzados.

– Oh, Raniero, you don't even want to know
what can happen to you...

1st DEMON (teasing):
– Onward, Raniero, encourage yourself to go!

2nd DEMON (with little case):
“Oh, soon, he'll give up soon.

2nd CHORUS (while the scene goes on):
– Raniero rides. There it gallops,
but the wind comes, it begins to pass.

WIND (turns around and tries to blow out Raniero's candle):
– Vvvv… Vvvv… Flying and blowing
I go round and round and blow again.

- With a thousand rays! I didn't count on this!
Against the wind my strength is worthless.
I'll have to ride a lot slower. (he goes slower)

– Vvvv… Vvvv…
Here I am, here I am! I'm blowing in front of you!

- My flame can never go out.
To protect her,
I will have to go mounted front to back. (he rides front to back)

– Raniero rides. go well calmly,
but five robbers suddenly appear.

(The 5 raiders jump to a corner of the scene, with the 2 demons behind.)

– One man alone… We're going to beat him to death.

– It certainly takes gold. It is richly armed.

- He will defend himself!

- We are five against one. We can only win!

- There they are, looking suspicious, about five little guys.
But the other day it was ten and I killed them all by myself.

- But you didn't have a candle in your hand.

- And now! - Hold on! On guard, knight!

- With a thousand rays! Only now do I understand the situation.
It's the flame I have to think about first.
I cannot defend myself from this enemy mob,
for the light would go out at the height of the quarrel.
Light forces me to peace… Ah, having to parliament
with vile robbers, without even fighting!

– Hand over your gold! And the horse passes!

- Pass the armor! And pass that sword!

1st DEMON (in Raniero's ear):
– Throw away the candle!

2nd DEMON (in Raniero's ear):
- Kill them with the blow!

– Listen, highwaymen!
It would be easy for me to beat you to the ground.
Armed as I am, there is no one who can beat me.
But I made a promise to the Madonna of Florence
and therefore I give you everything, on one condition:
respect the lit candle that I carry in my hand.

– Raniero, this victory you have won here
was much greater than the others of the wars in which you fought,
because it was yourself that you ruled!

3rd ROBBER (to the others):
“I've never seen a knight act so foolishly.
We have achieved so much and so easily…

4th ROBBER (to Raniero):
- They stay for them. You can take the candle;
but pass here the gold, the horse,
the armor and the sword! (Raniero delivers everything)

– Take this old cloak. I don't need her anymore.
Go on, pilgrim, and beware of the candle! (The 5 leave.)

– Stripped of everything, Raniero starts walking.
Without gold, there is no ship that wants to take it.
Through enemy lands he will walk.
But still, don't be discouraged.

2nd CHORUS (while the shepherd with staff appears):
— Once a shepherd, whose whole flock
been decimated by bad knights,
appeared before him armed with a staff.

SHEPHERD (after the 1st demon whispers in his ear):
– Here comes a Christian dog. Today I will be avenged.
– Stop there, defend yourself, miserable enemy!

2nd DEMON:
– Raniero, defend yourself!

– Look at the flame in danger!

RANIERO (to the pastor):
- I could take you down in one fell swoop...
But your blows I will have to take… (the shepherd hits him with his staff)

– So you don't defend yourself? But what's going on?

– May the flame not go out! That would be the misfortune.

FRANCESCA (in a corner of the scene, kneeling):
– It's noon now. What is Raniero doing at this hour?
– Watch over him, O protective angel!
Look at the love my soul feels!
Get him to do the right thing!

SHEPHERD (stopping knocking at the angel's touch):
– Something touched me. I don't know what it would be...
(to Raniero): – Would you even die because of that light?

– Man, there really is no one who can beat me.
but I must carry this light to Florence.
I bear today what I could never bear:
take so many hits without being able to fight back.

1st CHORUS (while Raniero walks):
– Day after day, Raniero follows, walking.
Always some suffering comes to torment him.
And, at some point in your journey,
seeks shelter in an inn.

INNKEEPER (on stage, with the maids, speaks to them):
– It is already night. It's time to lock the gate.

1ST MAID (peeking out):
– A ragged man is coming with a candle in his hand!

2nd MAID (peeking out):
- Find another shelter. Here it is not!

– What are you talking about? We have a lot to do!

1st MAID:
– There's a man out there.

INNKEEPER (pulling her away):
– Well, let me see!

2nd MAID:
– He's a ragged guy. Let it go outside.

RANIERO (coming to the front of the stage steps):
– I'm just looking for an inn for a few hours.
I'm too tired…

1st MAID:
- It's all busy!

– Wait, girl! if he were really
a knight, I would tell him to go ahead.
But to this poor man I offer lodging;
but where will you sleep? The house is full…

RANIERO (enters):
- Thank you Madam. I don't need to sleep
but just rest before proceeding.

INNKEEPER (shows a pile of straw in the corner):
- Rest on this straw. (to the maids): – Come on! We have work. (leave.)

RANIERO (sits down and puts the candle on the floor):
– If I had come as a knight,
would not be hosted by the innkeeper.
If someone called me poor in the old days,
I would liquidate it immediately.
Blessed help... It's strange how everything changes...
I must watch the flame. (he leans back) I'm so tired...
But I can't sleep. I need to be careful… (falls asleep)

(The demons are next to the angel, in the background.)

1st DEMON:
– I am being betrayed, with this flame shining,
since, because of her, Raniero is changing.

2nd DEMON:
“And I thought she enslaved you to me.
But the whole thing is not being that way.
And I'm afraid he'll become a new man
if that light doesn't go out, if that flame doesn't disappear.

1st DEMON:
- Come on, let's see if we finish her.

2nd DEMON:
- He slept. It will be easy to blow out the candle.

FRANCE (kneeling):
– Night is coming.
Where will Raniero be resting?
– Watch over him, O protective angel!
Look at the love my soul feels!
Get him to do the right thing!

ANGEL (to Raniero):
- I watch over you.

1st DEMON:
– He belongs to me.

2nd DEMON:
– I will put an end to the flame of this candle.

(2nd demon runs and whispers in 2nd maid's ear.)

- I will turn evil into good.

INNKEEPER (enters and says to the maids):
- The poor man slept at last,
on top of the straw. (Sees candle) But with a flame so close!

2nd MAID:
- I'll blow out the candle.

1st MAID:
– Oh, no, no! surely
the flame of this candle is very special,
for he traveled all the time with her.

“However, you have to get her out of here.
Give me the candle. Now, you can go to sleep.

(The 2nd maid gives him the candle, and they all leave.)

– Raniero woke up as soon as the sun came up
and is in despair because the candle is gone.

RANIERO (rises):
– My light, my light! It was all for nothing...
I was a bad guardian for the holy flame.

2nd DEMON:
– Rejoice, Raniero! you can go back now
to war, to crusades, and more fame to gain!

1st DEMON:
– You will surely have glories and riches!

– How strange… Wealth doesn’t satisfy me anymore…
And the glory of battle doesn't satisfy me... (stays in doubt)
What nothing! It is better that I rejoice. In the end,
owning a duchy isn't that bad.

INNKEEPER (enters):
– Have you rested?

– Yes, and it is only fair that you thank
you took the candle off the straw.
I think you did a very good job of erasing it.

INNKEEPER (signs to the 1st maid, who brings the lighted candle):
– Oh, don't worry. I kept it lit,
because I thought this candle was very important,
since you protect it from distant lands.

- It's still lit! Oh, what a happy moment!
I know well that she will still bring me suffering,
but I love her more than wars or riches.

(Innkeeper and maids leave.)

– More difficulty came for Raniero.
The candles ran out, and he had no money.
And for the living flame to preserve,
poor Raniero can only beg.

– Ah, how difficult it is for pride to be conquered…
Having to ask for candles like a poor beggar…
(Knocks on the 1st woman's door; the 2nd demon is behind her):
- Give me a candle so the light doesn't die!

1st WOMAN:
- Well, tramp, I have barely enough to eat...
Why would you give the candle? Now, get out of here,
or I call the dogs and let them go after you!

1st DEMON:
– Do you bear the offense of this rude woman?

RANIERO (the angel stretches out his hand over him):
– I cannot let this flame die.
I'll knock on another door. (knocks) – I beg a candle
to keep this beautiful flame alive.

2nd WOMAN:
– O man, I beg you, light this flame
the fire that I lack in this poor hut.
I can't make bread. My children are hungry.
Come in and light the fire for me, good man. (he lights the fire)
Thank you. The candles I have here are. (hands them over)

- It is I who thank you with all my heart.

2nd CHORUS (while Raniero continues with candle in hand):
– Raniero forgot his brutality
and now he has learned to act kindly.
So a hero in another hero became,
for all the scourges he then faced:
the rains, the winds, blows without defense,
poverty and contempt, for a lighted candle.
Finally, later, as a reward,
one day manages to reach Florence.

1st CHORUS (while the 2nd choir transforms into the inhabitants of Florence):
- Now he feels he can after all
light with your flame the candles of the altar
of Saint Madonna in the great cathedral,
and so his promise will be fulfilled.
But he arrives so thin, with burnt skin,
with clothes in tatters, hungry and tired…
And then – oh sadness! – something strange happens:
the people of Florence do not recognize him!

(The inhabitants, along with the demons, assault him with blows, trying to extinguish the candle.)

1st Inhabitant:
– He's a madman with a lit candle in his hand!

2nd Inhabitant:
– Erase it! Erase it!

3rd Inhabitant:
- Good fun! (they surround Raniero)

RANIERO (defending the flame):
— Ah, spare my light! It's the sacred flame!

4th Inhabitant:
- A crazy! May the flame be extinguished soon! (they blow)

RANIERO (defending the flame):
– Do you not recognize me? But I'm Raniero!

5th Inhabitant:
– Raniero?!! Raniero was a strong knight
of rich armor, in wars trained!

1st Inhabitant:
– And on a beautiful horse would come mounted;
but never in rags and barefoot on the floor!

2nd Inhabitant:
– He's crazy! It's crazy! Good fun!
Blow out that candle he carries in his hand!

1st CHORUS (as Francesca crosses the scene):
“But at that moment, Francesca was passing by.
very close to where Raniero was.
In the tired eyes his gaze was fixed,
and then her beloved she recognized.

– Raniero!!

– Francesca!!

FRANCESCA (to the inhabitants):
- Back! Back!
This one is Raniero. Leave him alone!

3rd inhabitant (stopping harassing Raniero):
– Is it really Raniero? Oh, I can't believe it!

4th inhabitant (stopping tormenting):
“But Francesca says so, so it must be.

5th Inhabitant:
– And the candle he brings, what is it for anyway?

– To be transported to the cathedral.

(Everyone follows Raniero and Francesca to the back of the scene, where the altar with the candles is. The two noble lords appear.)

1st CHORUS (while the scene goes on):
– And Raniero begins to recount his journey
and the promise you made, to come to light
the Madonna altar with the sacred flame
of the tomb of Christ, guarded by angels.
And Raniero told all the great danger
who passed through the lands of enemy people;
and how did you manage, enduring so much pain,
keep the candle burning, glowing, glowing.
The noble lords, with wrinkled brows,
They thought it was all made up.

1st LORD (with the 2nd demon behind him):
- It is very difficult to believe that someone
brought the flame from Jerusalem.
Raniero lied to us.

- Oh no! Raniero has
knight's soul. He's a good man.

2nd LORD:
- Well, let him call someone to testify
and confirm everything you just told.

- I have no witnesses...

INHABITANTS (with the 1st demon):
- Well then, go away.

– Oh, my God, send some help now!

(The angel steps forward and throws back the veil that covered his face; the demons, crouched and heads down, go to him.)

- An angel!!!

ANGEL (showing the demons):
– Citizens of this beautiful city,
these have testified that all is true. (The demons cringe more)
The two traveled all the time by his side.
Raniero was never unattended.
(to the demons):
– Speak, creatures! So what light is this?

“It's the cursed holy flame.

– It is the blessed holy flame,
that with a light blow can be erased,
who did what no one else can do:
the violent Raniero she transformed,
and her two demons she has already mastered.
(to Raniero):
– Now, Raniero, light the altar candles! (Raniero lights them up)
(to the inhabitants):
– This sacred flame you must guard.

(The angel covers her face with the veil and leaves with the demons.)

2nd CHORUS (forms again):
– This sacred fire was kindled on the altar,
in which the whole world will be renewed.

– My Raniero, and you? Will you leave again?

– No, dear Francesca. I stay forever.
And together we will guard the sacred flame,
the flame of restored human goodness.

ALL (exit, singing):
“We are pilgrims on pilgrimage.
We were chosen to search
around the world a new light, a new light.
The darkness will light up.
That light the Christ will kindle.
The Christ will light.”




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