Theater - 10 years

Baldur's Death

play by Pelham Moffat translated and adapted by Ruth Salles This play was translated and adapted from the homonymous play by…

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Robert the Devil

play by Ruth Salles This play is based on a German folk tale, translated by Professor Melanie Guerra.

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The hero Beowulf

play by Ruth Salles This play is based on a Norse myth, the story of the Gothic king who freed the Danes from…

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Thor's Hammer

play by Ruth Salles This play is a translation and adaptation of the play Thor and the Giants, by Pelham Moffat¹,…

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Looking for My Point

play by Ruth Salles This minstrel about space, movement, center, encounters, can also be experienced as a play, not just with…

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piece by Ruth Salles The piece is based on the tamoio myth as narrated by Olavo Bilac¹ in the “Treasury…

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In Our Land

play by Ruth Salles This play, in five scenes, briefly deals with the arrival of Martim Afonso de Souza, then the…

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