November 9, 2017

The legend of Saint Isabel of Portugal


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play by Ruth Salles

Queen Isabel of Portugal, daughter of Dom Pedro III of Aragon, married King Dom Diniz (13th century), famous troubadour, who left us beautiful "cantigas d'amigo", in addition to having exercised an excellent reign, dedicating to reforms and improvements. He founded the University of Lisbon, which later moved to Coimbra, and created the Order of Christ with the assets of the extinct Knights Templar. He was called King Lavrador, for his dedication to agriculture and for having planted the Leiria pine forest, which later served to provide wood to build caravels and galleons. Queen Isabel, known for her charity and sweetness, founded the Hospital dos Inocentes in Santarém, for foundlings, as well as hospitals for lepers throughout the kingdom. He managed to prevent a serious revolt between his son and the king, and many miracles are told about him. The people have always venerated her with simple legends. In the 17th century, she was canonized by the Church.

Choir, Angel, Courtiers (Queen's Ladies, King's Knights)
King Dom Diniz (head crown)
Queen Elizabeth (diadem on head)
Prince (Golden waistband)
Soldiers of the King and Prince (bows in hand)
Shepherdesses (staff in hand)
Potters (with work tool)
Craftsmen (with tools)
Farmers (with shovel or hoe in hand)

Everyone on stage forms the Choir, they stand out from it when necessary, then return to it.

CHORUS (sings):
“Princess of Aragon, O Saint Elizabeth,
who came from Spain on his steed.
The king of Portugal married her,
and all the poor people the saint helped.”

DOM DINIZ (followed by the courtiers):
– I am King Dom Diniz,
Dom Diniz from Portugal,
troubadour in my country.
I planted a pine grove,
and the wood will do
to build the ships,
that to the seas will leave
and lands will discover.

SOLDIER (boss, arriving, distressed):
– Your Majesty! Don Diniz!
Your son rebelled!
Want to be the king of the country,
and a troop has already formed!
(calls the other soldiers):
- Come all soldiers
form here by my side!

DOM DINIZ (to the courtiers):
- Call our Queen,
Isabella, my lady!
All can the great love
that you have in your heart.
My power is worthless
on such a serious occasion.

1st LADY (flame):
- Queen Elizabeth! Queen!
Come help our king!

- Queen Elizabeth! Queen!
(The prince enters with his soldiers, opposite the king's soldiers. Both groups make movements with their bows, as if they were shooting arrows.)

CHORUS (speaks, as Isabel passes by in the middle of the fight, accompanied by an angel):
– Arrows fly from side to side.
Who comes from afar? Not a soldier!
It's Isabel. And come alone!
In the midst of the struggle, the queen passes by.
And she's not even afraid of being hurt.
A good angel guards your life.

ISABEL and ANGEL (to the prince):
– Oh, be sensible, my dear son!
Obey the king, who is so your friend!
In the same land there should be no war.
War only brings pain. Live with love.

- I thank you, Mother,
oh my queen!
Your advice I took
in my heart.
I will kiss the king's hand,
ask for your forgiveness.

CHORUS (sings, while the prince kneels on the ground before the king, and the queen walks with gestures of help to all):
“Good queen, make peace,
treats the sick, founds hospitals;
show the lost where to go,
ragged ones have them dressed;
all the streets to go,
to those who are hungry give food;
whoever suffers, deliver from evil,
holy queen of Portugal.”

1st KNIGHT (to the king):
- There is a waste,

2nd and 3rd KNIGHTS (approach and comment):
- It is true!
- It is true!

– The queen comes from the palace.
And hidden in your lap,
there is a real treasure
in silver and gold coins
that you give to anyone
and to the workers there in the church.

DON DINIZ (angry):
– Wasting my goods for nothing?
Oh, I'll see this in person!
(addresses the queen, who comes by with her apron folded, followed by the angel):
– That hides in your apron,
Queen of Portugal?

- They are the fragrant roses
which to the poor will be given.

DOM DINIZ (doubting):
– And do roses bloom in winter?
Let me see! (opens apron)

COURTESANS (amazed):
– There are only roses on the apron!
And the gold coins… no sign!

DOM DINIZ (to himself):
- I will see the queen from afar
offer the roses.
(Shepherds, potters, artisans, and farmers gather to receive.)

ISABEL (to the shepherdesses):
– A rose, shepherdesses. (delivery and follow)

– Ah, what good is the rose for us?
what has our queen given us?
our shepherdesses life
has been so poor...

ISABEL (to the potters):
– A rose, good potters. (delivery and follow)

– The rose does not kill hunger.
I feel hungry all day...

ISABEL (to the artisans):
– A little rose, artisans. (delivery and follow)

- We need a coat…
What is the rose in the hand worth?

ISABEL (to the farmers):
– A rose, farmers. (delivery and follow)

— Ah, what good is the rose to us?
For the land in our field
has not been generous.

DOM DINIZ (watching the queen leave):
- Ah, my poor queen,
roses did not please...

- A miracle! A miracle!

– What miracle is it?

PRINCE and SOLDIERS (in stronger voice):
– What miracle is it?

- The roses have changed
in gold and silver coins!

ALL (in a stronger voice):
- The roses have changed
in gold and silver coins!

- My dear Isabel.
from now on,
I will give you a lot of gold
for your works.
That's a king's word!

ALL (in a stronger voice):
- That's the word of a king!

CHORUS (while the king and queen walk together; the angel, in the background, blesses):
– There goes the holy queen with the king of Portugal.
In the queen's head, a radiance to shine.
And a scent of roses is already in the air.

ALL (repeat the song from the beginning with one more quatrain):
“Princess of Aragon, O Saint Elizabeth,
who came from Spain on his steed.
The king of Portugal married her,
and all the poor people the saint helped.
Generous queen, your big heart
it is fragrant rose, it is gold in profusion.”





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