May 8, 2017

The legend of the mast and the bonfire of Saint John


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Told by Ruth Salles

Blackboard drawing by Verônica Calandra Martins.

– Once upon a time there were two old men:
Elizabeth and Zechariah.
There on top of the mountain
they had their home.
And Saint John, his little son,
soon, soon would be born.

And behold, in those times,
the holy virgin mary
went to visit, on the mountain,
Elizabeth and Zechariah.
“Blessed are you, my cousin”,
Isabel had already told him;
and saw a light from heaven
which descended upon the saint.
“My soul glorifies
the Lord!” said Mary,
and asked Isabel
when John would be born.
Isabel promised you
that as soon as he was born,
she warned Maria
lighting a fire,
bright as day,
there on top of the mountain,
and beside the fire,
a mast would raise.
That is why, since then,
we have mast and fire
on Saint John's nights.



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