May 23, 2017

The Adventures of the Water Droplet


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Ruth Salles' piece on the water cycle

Monica Stein watercolor


As Aventuras da Gotinha D'Água is a poem by Ruth Salles about the water cycle, based on a short story by Walther Pollatschek. This poem has been recited by children in Waldorf schools for many years, and it helps them learn about the water cycle in a playful and poetic way.

We also provide a beautiful book with this text illustrated in color by Mônica Stein Aguiar, and available at STORE.

The Adventures of the Water Droplet

What did the drop of water do?
swinging through the air,
on a well-placed cloud,
happy to walk?

“How beautiful”, she thought,
“see the indigo blue sky!”
And the sun that was shining there
good heat transmitted to him.

What did she see from up there?
The forests, the meadows;
and the roads looked
little ribbons.

Beautiful wings rustle.
“Where do you come from, O little bird?”
“I come from the green land.
I came flying softly.

This very fat cloud
It's getting pretty dark.
I'm going now, Miss Drop.
I'm flying, I'm flying.”

“I want it too, little bird!
I'll be right behind!”
And slowly jumped:
"I'm going, I'm going!"

And, jumping beside her,
many drops go too.
“What is there on earth?
What surprises does she have?”

Down there, everybody,
seeing the drops that fell,
suddenly got up
umbrellas that opened.

And the children scream:
“How it rains from heaven!
I will step in the puddle of water,
I'm going to wet my hat!"

A boy laughed, laughed.
I don't even understand what he says,
because a drop fell
right there in your nose.

It was our friend's gout.
From the nose fell to the ground
and entered a hole
that it was just darkness.

So many drops, so many drops
already surrounded the drop...
And the earth turned soft
in the place where they ran.

The roots of a plant
asked them for a drink,
and a few drops – because there are so many –
the roots will sip.

And where did our little drop go?
“I want to see the light of day!”
And, seeing a little hole,
very quickly escaped.

From that tunnel where they were,
how many drops are coming out!
A fountain already formed.
“Out here how beautiful it is!”

So many grasses, so many flowers,
so many people on the way!
multicolored butterflies
they fly brilliantly.

How many drops are coming!
A portion has arrived.
And the children come in droves
bathe in the stream.

There are little fish inside it,
there are dragonflies in the air,
there are shells on the sands,
snails crawling.

come another little stream
join there too.
They will form a great river.
How many drops does he have!

A sudden noise.
“What will this surprise be?
Will it be wind, will it be people?”
It's the waters of the dam!

How big is the buzz
on the channel where she is!
It's the mill wheel:
pam, pam, pam and pla, pla, pla.

'Cause the water moves the wheel
stuck in wooden slat,
and the lath, with each turn,
moves the miller's stones.

These stones are the millstones.
They grind wheat all the time.
And the flour, soon after,
ready for the baker.

But will the drop know?
Which what! You don't know anything.
She jumps on a shovel
and goes on a rampage.

Many drops separate.
Go to people's homes.
And the women cooked,
very good food.

How wide and deep the river is!
Of a thousand rivers is formed.
It rolls around the world,
now bathes a village.

Says the drop murmuring:
“Oh, what a weight I am carrying!
Come all help!”
And the ship goes by.

“Go drops, go rolling!
Other waters already knew
that you are coming.
On a beach they wait!”

“Where are our shores?”
says the drop to be amazed.
“Is there only water and spaciousness?”
These waters are from the sea.

How much foam, how many waves,
how much beach, how much sky!
And the drops go round
playing from god to god.

“I reached the sand
and here I am again.”
“And I got into a whale
that squirted back at me.”

“Look at the sun how hot it is,
and how light I'm getting!
I'm going up, my people,
to heaven I am returning!”

“I really missed you,
deep in the heart,
from that white cloud
looking like cotton.”

And again the drop of water,
swinging through the air,
on a well-sitting cloud
there he went for a walk.

And on a very cold day,
with your snowcoat,
this little drop again
go down, go down very lightly.

And a boy, here on earth,
warned: "It's snowing!"
How many drops were they,
in coats wrapping themselves?

And covered all the grass
with the snow so warm,
and slept in this bed
very quiet for a long time,

until spring comes
and the thaw begins.
And now, across the land,
a source will form.

And then a little stream,
and then a stream,
and a river with ships,
and the sea in immensity.

“Look at the sun how hot it is,
and how light I'm getting!
I'm going up my people,
to heaven I am returning!”

“And now, drop of water,
Does this story end like this?”
“Who told you it ends?
This story has no end!”

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