Educação para as relações étnico-raciais e autoconhecimento como caminho sanador para o racismo.
Relato de uma jardineira preta. Vídeo feito especialmente para apresentação no Goetheanum em abril de 2023, durante a conferência mundial…
Relato de uma jardineira preta. Vídeo feito especialmente para apresentação no Goetheanum em abril de 2023, durante a conferência mundial…
With weekly publications, an important channel of dialogue with students, teachers, partners and others interested in Anthroposophy and the…
Realization of the Movement for Humanizing Education 09/21/2020 – MOVEH Speakers Bruno Caetano – Secretary of Municipal Education of São Paulo…
Realization of the Movement for Humanizing Education 09/22/2020 – MOVEH Speakers JP Amaral – Instituto Alana Bebel Barros – Instituto Alana…
Realization of the Movement for Humanizing Education 09/23/2020 – MOVEH Speakers Daniela Zanon Rodrigues – Teacher at the Municipality of São…
Realization of the Movement for Humanizing Education 09/24/2020 – MOVEH Speakers Rose Laviano – Instituto Maiana Juliana Barbosa Ramalho – Teacher…
Realization of the Movement for Humanizing Education 09/25/2020 – MOVEH Speakers Reinaldo Nascimento – Emergency Pedagogy Ednéia Gonçalves – Action…
Guest speakers: Josielma Oliveira, Dayse Cruz and Daniela Zanon Josielma Oliveira – CCA Educator at the Horizonte Azul nucleus, from…
Lecture with Rômulo de Mello-Silva – Colégio Micael
Live with Bebel Amando de Barros and JP Amaral from Instituto Alana Debate on the relationship between playing with…
with Rodrigo Ventre, Ana Paula Cury and Renata Pereira Rodrigo Ventre talks live about economic fraternity in…
with Érica Monteiro Pedagogue of the SP Municipal Network – Peace Activist, Mariana Villares – Sociologist, Master in Political Science…