Educação para as relações étnico-raciais e autoconhecimento como caminho sanador para o racismo.
Relato de uma jardineira preta. Vídeo feito especialmente para apresentação no Goetheanum em abril de 2023, durante a conferência mundial…
Relato de uma jardineira preta. Vídeo feito especialmente para apresentação no Goetheanum em abril de 2023, durante a conferência mundial…
With weekly publications, an important channel of dialogue with students, teachers, partners and others interested in Anthroposophy and the…
Professor Marisa Cristina dos Santos Class taught by Professor Marisa Cristina dos Santos on 10/18/2008 in Timburi – SP, for…
Playing Dialogues, with Sandra Eckschmidt Organized by the Alana Institute
Diálogos do Brincar, with Ute Craemer Produced by the Alana Institute
Michaela Glöckler: subtitled in Portuguese
Michaela Glöckler: subtitled in Portuguese
Pedagogical cycles, with Luiza Lameirão Organized by the Federation of Waldorf Schools in Brazil
Pedagogical cycles, with Luiza Lameirão Organized by the Federation of Waldorf Schools in Brazil
Lecture with Dr. Ana Paula Cury Conducting the Lecture Committee at the Waldorf School Rudolf Steiner and Weleda
Lecture with Dr. Ana Paula Cury Conducting the Lecture Committee at the Waldorf Rudolf Steiner School
A conversation with João Felipe Toni João Felipe Toni is a biologist and educator graduated from USP, master in Botany and…