Metamorphoses of intelligence: the child at 7 years old
Pedagogical cycles, with Luiza Lameirão Organized by the Federation of Waldorf Schools in Brazil
Pedagogical cycles, with Luiza Lameirão Organized by the Federation of Waldorf Schools in Brazil
Pedagogical cycles, with Luiza Lameirão Organized by the Federation of Waldorf Schools in Brazil
Michaela Glöckler: subtitled in Portuguese
Michaela Glöckler: subtitled in Portuguese
Diálogos do Brincar, with Ute Craemer Produced by the Alana Institute
Playing Dialogues, with Sandra Eckschmidt Organized by the Alana Institute
Mathematics – 8 year olds This video was produced by Jardim Escola Michaelis, from Rio da Janeiro. In it the teacher…
Professor Marisa Cristina dos Santos Class taught by Professor Marisa Cristina dos Santos on 10/18/2008 in Timburi – SP, for…