September 19, 2020

Christ the Redeemer on Corcovado


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by Ruth Salles

written for children who went up to Corcovado

blackboard drawing by teacher Juliana Nogueira


Did you know that the ancient Christian communities ignored the day of Jesus' birth?

For it was then decided to choose a date, and the date chosen was December 25, to replace the feast with which the Romans celebrated the birth of the invincible sun (Natalis solis invictus), which disappears at night and reappears in the morning. And from then on, the birth of Jesus, who died and rose again, is celebrated on that day.

Did you know that ancient churches, especially in Europe, were always built with the entrance facing East, towards the side where the sun rises? In Europe, you can find out where east is by looking for the door of an old church. The Christians wanted the rising sun, when rising, to enter with its rays to the tabernacle. A meeting of the star-king with the Cristo-Rei.

Did you know that the statue of Christ the Redeemer on Corcovado, in Rio de Janeiro, is not simply facing Guanabara Bay? It faces east, the way the sun rises. Every day, Christ on Corcovado waits for the sun to rise on the horizon and, when he receives its rays in his heart, he and the star talk to each other:

– Lord Jesus, I am the great invincible Sun. With my rays I illuminate the earth, I make the plant grow, I strengthen the animals and all men who live in this world.

– Great Sun, friend, your mission is very beautiful to illuminate, make everything on earth grow and strengthen. I, beautiful Sun, am here with my arms outstretched on top of this rock, because from my heart and from my hands rays of love also come out to illuminate human hearts, make the good grow within them and strengthen their will to act correctly.

– Lord Jesus, I also receive your strength. It was said of me: “The sun shines for all”. For I shine over seas and rivers, deserts and forests, fields and cities, tame animals and wild beasts, just and unjust, innocent and criminal. To everything that exists I send my light and my warmth.

- Great Sun, here I am too, with my arms outstretched, welcoming all the creatures of the world with my love, welcoming those who are right and those who are wrong, those who love me and those who reject me, those who know me and those who hate me. who don't know me. To the ends of the world I extend my eternal compassion. Let's continue with our missions, friend Sol! You, with your light and your warmth, me, with my deep love. Even when you are hidden in the clouds, you are still there. I am also always present, always with even those who do not see me.





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