June 11, 2020

The fire


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poem by James Kruss
translated and recreated by Ruth Salles

blackboard drawing by teacher Verônica Calandra Martins

Hear the flame whispering,
how it pops, crackling!
Red and beautiful, the ember glows,
grows, blushes and warms the house.

Like a tongue, the flame passes,
licks the wood and makes smoke.
turns and comes back and doesn't get tired.
On the wood, the fire dances.

The sparks rocket,
flicker, flicker.
The flame blows a sudden glow,
the twilight is already lightening.

Look how the fire ignites!
Warm breath comes from the flame.
It snakes and goes up and down,
it burns, it burns and everything heats up.

But slowly, slowly,
all the fire goes down.
Only smoke now comes out,
and the heat also goes away.

The ember still pops.
And it would shine beautiful
if flame were still.
But just a little squeak...
flutters… cools…
It's gone!


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