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play by Helmut von Kügelgen
translation by Maria Bárbara Trommer and versification and adaptation by Ruth Salles
Everyone's choir.
Adam with the bundle of firewood
Eve, with the distaff, the wine, the bread, the cup
Eleven clean children (plus a crib)
twelve little boys
The rest with instruments (optional)
(The characters will come out of the choir. When they finish their lines, those who do not have to stay in the front, return to it. The choir must sing along with Eva and, as the case may be, speak along with the characters)
CHORUS (sings):
“Praise God, the Lord of the world!
He created us, He sustains us.
Should we work hard,
and the beauty of the work increases
if we love what we do,
for without love we have nothing.
With the light of love on my way,
I lighten the earth and lighten the sky,
and with us follows Saint Michael.”
– Praise be to your name, Lord of Heaven,
Creator of the moon, the stars and the loving sun!
You created man, Lord,
and you charged him
to take care of your work in the world!
He is a little lower than the angels,
and at his feet are the stones and the flowers
and also the cows that live in the pastures
and the birds under the sky
and the fish in the sea.
Let man take good care of your work on earth,
O Lord of Heaven!
EVA (spinning beside the crib):
-Oh dear little child,
the wind blows rushing,
the dry leaves dragging
and dust rising.
It's autumn, which is passing by.
Daddy is coming,
coming along the way.
Sleep, sleep, my little boy.
(She sings):
“Son, sleep well.
There is sleep in your smile...
From a garden I know
called Paradise.
The angels wait there
in the eternal home without end.
two trees grew
in the center of the garden.
I forgot one,
the other I remembered,
because I suffered a lot
because I despised her.
The good and the bad now I know
– oh sweet and sour fruit! –
But with love I will save myself
from the evil of this banishment.
I know of a garden
with God waiting for me.
Overcoming death, at last,
we will go there.”
(Eva stands up and speaks):
- Now the poor thing sleeps...
For husband and children,
I have already prepared the cheese and bread.
Let's have the meal.
ADAM (enters with heavy steps and a bundle of wood on his back):
– Bless God, Eva dear.
how good it is to get here
in this warm house.
I felled the pine
and now i'm thirsty
to drink a whole jug!
Where are our little ones?
Call the marauders here!
– First, replenish your strength.
Eat this bread, drink the wine.
Then I call the chatters,
the noisy little ones.
- You don't have a good weed
to cure the chatter?
You taught them to speak...
They talk so much… I told you so!
– Adam, we must pray.
ADAM and EVE (with folded hands):
- We appreciate the food,
and the drink we thank you,
and your love, which we have received,
O Lord, who gave us so much
from the high heavenly expanse.
ADAM (after beginning to eat, thoughtfully):
- Today I felt, for a few moments,
as if God were approaching.
ANGEL (appearing):
– Eve and Adam, beware,
because today you will see the face
of the Creator. He will come.
He will dress as a beggar. (the angel leaves.)
– This tiny hovel
does it please the divine Being?
– If as a poor man he will come…
A poor one, Eve! So
your compassion is great.
In every form of man there is
it can turn out to be:
as a friend, as an enemy,
old or young, if you wish.
- Let's leave, of course,
our children receive it.
But only the smart ones,
charming, good and beautiful.
The brute, the rabid,
the quarrelsome and the stubborn,
who live in the mud,
I hide under the bed.
– That's a good idea.
Children! Come here quickly!
(Twelve dirty ones enter, making noise, and eleven quieter clean ones.)
– Quiet, now, you noisy ones!
Stay tuned for a moment! (everyone settles down)
- A visitor will arrive soon
very dear and important.
Receive it with devotion
and without making mischief.
– But those who are smeared with mud,
will be under the bed,
or else run to the stable.
There where the straw I store,
I put you under the hay!
You (points to one), cover yourself with fine leather
how we make shoes.
You (points to another), stay under the tub
or hidden on the roof.
You (points to another), in the oven or in the closet.
Thou (points to another), under the linen of the garment.
(As soon as the dirty ones are gone, there is a knock on the door. The beggar enters.)
– Lord and Father, please come in!
Welcome to this home!
– Praise God the Creator,
that sustains us with love.
You must salute him, my little children!
1st CHILD (offering the bread):
– Our bread came from the earth.
We give you from the heart.
2nd CHILD (offering the glass of wine):
– This wine the sun has sweetened.
It's the drink I give you.
- I thank you for the bread and wine
of the big and the little ones.
The house is clean and well maintained,
kind children… That pleases.
I will bless you all
and of the future to speak to you. (He puts his hand on each child)
As king you will be crowned.
You will be a bishop of peace.
You, noble and honorable knight,
your men shall lead.
You, science will expand.
You, the disease will heal.
You will be an artist. And you, singer.
You, poet. And you, magistrate.
And you, judge of good value.
You, renowned scribe.
And you, in the crib there sleeping,
a good teacher.
- We appreciate your care
with our beloved children.
But… what about the hidden children?
What will become of their lives?
- You hid them from someone
who can see everything so well...
Did you think I was tricked?
– I also thought that was wrong…
- It was out of love that we hid them,
so that they do no harm,
but with them we are concerned.
- Well, let's see all we have!
– Come, boys and girls!
Out of the stable and the vats!
– I got out of the oven and off the roof!
Come and take our side!
I got out from under that linen
and of that leather, my children!
ADAM (with difficulty putting the children in a line.):
- Greet you kindly
this Lord in front of you.
He has known you for a long time.
– How rude and naughty they are!
My image in them looks like
something hidden and distorted.
I will give these boys
a rewarding job,
that curbs the force of fate,
that gives hope and fervor.
– We like the land very much,
of the wonders it contains.
BEGGAR (putting his hand on each one's head):
– Thou shalt cultivate the fields.
You, as a devoted wife,
next to the stove you will cook.
Thou shalt do heavy work.
And you, you shall forge iron.
You will be a good seamstress.
You will be a shepherd of sheep
and of cattle. you will copy
what the sages want to dictate.
You must be a sailor
or fisherman. And you, baker.
As for you, you must obey
to the Lord with your little children.
You will be your king's soldier.
And you will be a shoemaker.
– Ah, you are unjust, my Lord!
You make one poor, the other rich,
one the servant, the other the master.
That's how you divide
the blessings you have to give
to children from the same household?
- And that's not what you thought.
when did the kids separate?
— Eve, in the celestial kingdom,
I love everyone equally.
But on earth it is different.
Every man has a destiny:
one is big, the other small.
Justice is my kingdom.
There all of you, put forward
of the judge, you will be equal.
However, working here,
you must act with joy,
always giving your best,
thanking your brother
your help every day.
Let each one do what he knows,
as well as the head and the foot,
the stomach and the light hand
do what they can,
to serve the whole body.
One thinks, one commands, one obeys,
one runs, one judges, one sings, one weaves.
one paints, the other writes verses.
The most diverse works
that, when done with love,
become more beautiful, have value.
Without love, our way,
be poor, little one.
- Oh, you know what's best...
Come on kids, let's get ready
a feast for the Lord.
We will light the lanterns.
Go with them for a walk.
– Like a beggar, God arrived
and to each he offered
the grace of a profession,
and so all will serve.
(to the public):
— O you, and you, and all of you!
Watch as we do
this little glow.
He is love at heart!
(The lanterns are lit, and everyone comes out singing the song of the beginning)