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play by Ruth Salles
Based on a sketch by Professor Christiano W. Loewens. Both songs are in pentatonic scale.
CHARACTERS: Choir, São Martinho, three street children, the dog; the devil,
the angel; Martin's father and mother; the old soldier Marcos;
Caesar, the court (ladies and knights); the three soldiers, the
beggar; the cold wind.
(The characters leave the Choir at the moment of acting, then return to it.)
CHORUS (speaks or sings):
“Saint Martin, so dear,
we honor.
follower of Jesus Christ,
today we praise you!
His work dedicated
to the needy.
With kindness and with love,
were helped.
To the Lord he prayed,
and the sick healed.
The wicked one to whom he spoke,
I was back on track,
thanks to Martin.”
CHORUS (speaks, while Martinho finds the dog and takes care of it):
– Through the city streets,
Saint Martin was coming,
when, inside a ditch,
a little dog heard it whining.
Saint Martin, charitable,
then cleaned the wound,
careful bandaging
the sore paw.
1st BOY (calling the other two and teasing):
– Look! Look at Martin,
the protector of the puppies!
2nd BOY:
– The healer of dogs and cats!
The tape applicator!
3rd BOY:
- Martin is sitting there
with the animals all by your side!
SAINT MARTIN (shooing them away):
- Out of here! Out of here!
Oh, if I had a stick in my hand,
gave the three a good lesson!
(to the 3rd boy, who stood still in fright, while the others ran away):
– What is it, boy? What is it?
And why are you looking
for me this way?
Oh, don't cry like that.
I spoke as a joke.
3rd BOY:
– It's just that I'm poor... and a beggar.
But if I ask for alms,
everyone disappears.
And I'm so hungry...
- Well, sit here with me.
I break my bread in two, (breaks the bread and gives half to the boy)
and the half is yours, friend.
(before eating, he prays on his knees):
- Saint George, make me
a very brave soldier,
who only fights for the good
with the shining sword!
(The boys and the dog return to the choir. The devil and the angel now stand out, and then Martin's father and mother.)
– Come here, my good Martin!
Fame came to propose to you:
you will be knight
fierce and domineering.
It is the glory I offer.
Good start!
– Come here, my good Martin!
Fame did not come to propose.
It's much more important
help the sufferer.
It is the peace I offer you.
Good start!
- I hear strong words here,
I hear soft words there.
Answer now, my heart:
which of the two shall I give reason?
And which of the two should I follow?
In what direction should my steps lead?
– Look, I'm your father.
Obey me first.
Always follow Caesar's law
to be a knight.
Now hold this sword,
put this cape on your shoulders
and go down that road!
(Saint Martin takes his sword and puts his cloak on his shoulders.)
– Always help others,
oh my dear son!
In life, you should always
serve God!
– Advice from father and mother
I obey.
I will serve the great Caesar
how start.
where would it be
the old soldier Mark?
I want your company
because with him I learn the rules
of the cavalry.
(Old soldier Marcos stands out from the Chorus, and the two walk together. Caesar, his court, and the three soldiers stand out as well.)
- Hail, Caesar!
It is Martin who salutes.
You can count on my help.
- Martin, go to war
with the soldiers of this land.
SAINT MARTIN (showing his sword):
“I won't hurt anyone with this.
I am a soldier of Jesus Christ.
It is without weapons that I will win.
And the enemy will surrender.
- And this is what happened.
The enemy surrendered.
Martin, in the name of Jesus,
made the sign of the cross.
And no weapon rose,
and no one there died. (Caesar and the court return to the Choir)
CHORUS (speaks, while Martinho, Marcos and the three soldiers walk, the wind
passes, and the beggar appears):
- There go the five:
the three soldiers,
the old Marcos
and San Martin.
a cold wind
already flutters
and freezes everything
wherever it goes.
poor beggar,
dead of cold,
ask for help
to San Martin.
– O pious knights,
the cold causes me a lot of pain.
I come to ask for a small alms
in the name of Our Lord…
- I have no money or groceries.
to end your suffering.
But I will break my cloak in two.
You cover yourself with it later. (takes off the cloak to break it with the sword)
1st SOLDIER (the three trying to stop):
“Wait, Martin, and put that sword away!
Such a good cover should not be torn!
- We have nothing to do with this beggar!
- We only want the glory of defeating the enemy!
SAINT MARTIN (to the soldiers):
– Back, back! Hear what I say!
I'll share the cover with this beggar!
(He pulls out his sword, cuts off the cloak, and gives half to the beggar, who covers himself.)
SAINT MARTIN (to the beggar):
- It's a modest gift,
but given with care.
and God bless you
all your way.
- Silly Martin!
- Stupid Martin!
- It's a wonder
only with half
from cape to shoulder!
OLD MARKS (to the three soldiers):
- Well, think about the cold.
what this poor man feels!
BEGGAR (coming out):
- Thank you very much!
May God add to you!
SÃO MARTINHO (to Marcos):
- Oh, I should
give you food
and more warm clothes…
this half cover
almost does not cover
such a poor man.
Mark, look for
for him now!
MARCOS (after searching and not finding):
- Already gone…
What a cold night!
Let's go now
to the inn! (he and the three soldiers walk away)
SAINT MARTIN (alone, kneels and prays):
– O Jesus Christ the Savior,
for us on earth born here,
for man to learn
more to serve than to be served.
Let me serve the poor!
I think this is my way...
(He lies down and sleeps. The music on the flute is heard. Light. Martinho wakes up.)
– It is a dark night, but what splendor!
What is that sound around me?
Am I still dreaming?
– Martin, you are not dreaming.
Wake up and see! See the light!
It is the heavenly light manifested,
and the heavenly sounds revealed.
In both sounds and light,
see what shines, hear who speaks!
- I see a very strong and clear light
that radiates from a heart,
and two eyes, in a serene face,
that have a deep, mild glow.
It is Jesus Christ, the Supreme Being,
who I see approaching.
– And you see it too, Martin,
what clothes is he wearing?
“It's a thin, weird cloth.
– Well, listen to what is being said!
CHORUS (making the voice of the Lord):
– Martin, I was that poor man,
and you wrapped me up.
It was in the middle of your robe
that your love was revealed.
– O choirs of angels, look at the mantle
and look also at this holy man.
For your sacrifice so pure,
be praised in the highest!
Martin, the humble knight,
from now on it will be
my truest guardian,
and all souls will keep.
Giving the brightest example,
have to show the whole world
how to serve your lord
with simplicity and love.
ALL (sing):
“O Lord of the worlds,
leave your sweet light
in my eyes come to land.
like the beautiful flowers
open the corolla
for the sunlight to come in,
leave, O God, your warmth, your light,
your love until it comes to me.”