The Navigators

play by Ruth Salles In this play, the Infante Dom Henrique, King Dom João II, sailors, sailors, women…

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Dom Gaifeiros

play by Ruth Salles This play is based on an ancient cup, the name given to a popular narrative made…

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The Emperor's Vision

play by Ruth Salles This play is based on a legend by the famous Swedish writer Selma Lagerlöf¹. Born in 1858, it was…

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the Inca

play by Ruth Salles This little play was written from the myth that tells the story of the beginning of…

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The Judgment Room

play by Ruth Salles Play adapted from Scotsman Pelham Moffat. The author explains that the Egyptians believed that after the…

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play by Ruth Salles This play is based on the book “Krishna” by Edouard Schuré¹, containing some phrases from it, which…

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The Four Sons of Brahma

piece by Ruth Salles This small piece was based on the narrative “A Formação das Castas”, found in the book Mitologia da Índia¹.…

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