November 5, 2017



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(S – P – M – TD – C QU – Ô OR – R)

poems by Ruth Salles


the sound of the bell
it's not the sound that blows from the sax,
it is not the sound that sounds from the zither.
the sound of the bell
it's a sound from heaven,


Paula passes through the door,
and for the popcorn: plé-plé-plé.
Put the lid on, otherwise it will jump
in the sink, on the plate and on the foot.


The bird sinks, sinks,
sink and does not stop, no.
Paul, with pity,
passes you from the door
some bread pudding.


Mauro and Mario
mallet in hand,
get into the woods
and work out, work out.
but in the bush
a monster lives.
– Be careful, Mauro and Mario!


my finger hurts so much
the tooth hurts so much.
Teco and Deco
so sick...
- Put a splint on your finger
and pull out the tooth!


Hunt the doe the hunter.
Who helps the doe?
The snake passes, and the hunter
almost falls backwards.
“Who helps me? And what about the doe?”
Screams the snake: “It has already run!
And I was the one who came to the rescue!”


The blond boy counts gold:
– I am the owner of the treasure.
Where does the lad hide the gold?
In a leather holster.


The mouse gnaws the clothes,
tear the lace,
scrape the clapboard,
steal the leftovers.







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