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piece of Pelham Moffat recreated in Portuguese by Ruth Salles
After fighting in the first world war, where he lost an arm, Pelham Moffat (1854–1912) became interested in the works of Rudolf Steiner, especially in pedagogy. After graduating from the University of Edinburgh, he helped to found a school in that city based on the principles of Waldorf Pedagogy and taught there, having written several plays for the students, bringing them together in the book 21 Plays for Children.
choir of narrators
Jacob, your father.
Benjamin, Joseph's younger brother
and seven older brothers of Joseph
The Pharaoh of Egypt
Pharaoh's Guard
Three wise men of Egypt
the cupbearer
A servant of Joseph in Egypt
Scene I
– My brothers, I had a dream.
I dreamed that autumn had come,
and the wheat, in golden harvest,
over the undulating fields.
With your sickle in hand,
each of us reaped.
But when each brother
turned on your beam afterwards,
behold, mine stood up,
and each of the other bundles
before mine he prostrated himself
as if he were a king.
– What a silly dream I heard!
We the servants? You king?
- Our little brother
will dominate us then?
- He dreams the impossible
and want it to happen...
- Dad, everyone is angry
only for what was dreamed of.
– Son, everything you dream of
come to me to tell.
- My father, the will is yours.
Behold, I dreamed again.
I was in the firmament:
and eleven stars, Sun and Moon,
around, in reverence,
they paid me obedience.
- My son, what a dream of yours!
What do such vain dreams say?
At your prostrate feet I,
your mother and brothers?
– What does it matter? Let him dream.
we will go there in the mountains
the flock to graze.
- When we get back tell us
any other story of yours. (They go out)
6TH BROTHER (stops and turns):
– Eleven stars, Sun and Moon…
- Look at him dressed
with your colorful cloak! (Leave)
scene II
- And the brothers went to tend the flock
of his father at Shechem. Jacob said to Joseph:
– Are not your brethren in Shechem, shepherding?
Go see if they and the flock are all right.
Bring me news later.
- I'm ready to go, my father. Goodbye.
Scene III
The brothers are herding the flock in the pasture.
– How hot the day is!
Pasture is good. Let's rest.
– There is a deep well there.
Good water we will draw.
SIMEON (looking into the well):
- We'll take joy...
It's an empty cistern.
- It doesn't matter, let's rest.
The place is refreshing.
– Look, my brothers, who do we see?
Who's coming up there?
– I see the stripes of a cloak
and a young man full of life.
– How it shines through the fields
your colorful clothes!
It is the dreamer our brother!
Listen carefully:
we are alone; nobody sees us.
quickly kill
our brother. later we will say
that a wild beast devoured him.
– Let us not be foolish.
Your blood would blame us.
May Joseph be left
there in the empty cistern.
– Yes. Then we will solve
more carefully, of course.
- Hello brothers! How is everything?
- Yea! Do you already have new dreams?
- What hard looks stare at me...
Why do they speak this way?
– We've heard it for a long time.
Now we speak.
The hate we already feel
We'll solve it alone.
Rest here in this well,
in it rest more. (grab Jose)
- Brothers! Brothers! What do I hear?
May the God of my parents help me!
(they lower him into the cistern)
- And ask for divine help
Who do the stars rule?
– How hungry! The hours passed.
Give me some bread.
– The sheep went away.
I will look for them, my brothers.
I see some camels in the distance
and men. Can you see them now? (Reuben leaves)
- They are men in caravans
with a lot of merchandise,
and i think i'm not wrong
if you say they would buy
José. What profit will we have?
in this reprehensible crime:
kill our own brother?
Let us send him far away.
May heaven be responsible
by your fate. We do not.
- Camels are already lost
in the dust along the way.
- Yea! Let these men take him.
Hey! Get up, little brother!
– Are you wide awake?
Come, your time has come.
There's a lot to walk now.
– You will be transported
to a country far away,
far from protection.
– Get up, my brother.
– Oh! Do you have the courage
to do this to me
that descending from your father?
Are you kidding…This trip…
away from friends
this caravan will...
Where is Reuben? I know
that he loves me very well.
Oh, my father's anguish
seeing that I will not return...
never see the sheep again
and the red twilight
in the tents of our home.
- It's too late to beg!
– Simeon, mercy!
– Now you agree
that who fell to his knees
was you. where are they
your dreams, my brother?
- It's time. Let's stop
these merchant men.
4TH BROTHER (runs forward towards the caravan):
– Hey, wait for us, gentlemen!
We have a deal to make!
(they leave dragging José)
RUBEM (arrival):
- They're already gone? Fortunately!
Joseph, I came to set you free! (looks into the well)
But here there is no one!
Oh! Where are they going to take him?
Scene IV
— And Joseph was taken into Egypt and sold to Potiphar, commander of Pharaoh's guard. Now Joseph was a handsome young man, and Potiphar's wife was delighted with him. But being rejected by Joseph, she accused him before her husband, and Joseph was thrown into the dungeon, where Pharaoh's prisoners were kept. And it happened that Pharaoh had dreams, and no one knew how to interpret them.
(Pharaoh's Palace. The Pharaoh is on his throne, surrounded by three sages. On one side is the cupbearer, with a tray. On the other side, the guard.)
- Pharaoh, be patient.
Our science is slow.
– Or is it empty science?
Three sages gathered here,
and none knows the meaning
of Dreams. I'm distressed,
and the revelation takes time!
- Pharaoh, I remember now
from when the baker and me
we were in prison.
There was a Hebrew servant
who gave the interpretation
of the dreams we had.
And everything was happening
according to this prediction.
– Run to find such a man! (the guard goes to get José)
- And since the words disappear
of you, my soothsayers,
listen to everything carefully.
What else can happen?!
Have you ever seen a Pharaoh
having to take advantage
of a slave in prison?
(Joseph enters Pharaoh's hall)
– Are you the Hebrew servant?
that dreams can explain?
– Sir, the gift is not mine.
Whoever has power is God alone.
And if he so desires,
I will be able to interpret
Pharaoh's dreams.
- Well, I dreamed they were leaving
from inside the river water
seven beautiful fat cows
that were all eaten
by the seven skinny cows
who then came out of the water;
and that thin continued.
I also dreamed another dream:
seven spikes well garneted
came out of the same thatch,
and seven withered ears,
that germinated later,
devoured the first
that were so beautiful and full.
my afflicted heart
these two dreams deposed
at the feet of the wise men of Egypt
without any result.
– The dream is only one.
Seven cows, seven ears,
seven years mean.
Seven that will bring plenty,
and seven the most severe hunger.
With the two dreams, God warns
that hunger certainly comes.
And, being thus forewarned,
let Pharaoh call a man
let him be wise and prudent.
Put this man ahead
of all the land of Egypt.
And in the years of plenty,
what of the wheat he stores
the most mature ears.
And so, when the abundance had passed,
everyone will be safe.
- There is no man among mine,
more prudent than this.
Oh the spirit of God
in this humble servant it is seen!
Let him be, therefore,
governor of the country.
I want everyone bowing
to the words he says.
only I will be superior
to this governor.
Scene V
– And Joseph left the presence of Pharaoh and went through all the country of Egypt. During the seven years of plenty, the land produced in abundance, and Joseph amassed a great deal of wheat. Then hunger covered the face of the
Earth. When Jacob heard that there was wheat in Egypt, he said to his sons:
JACOB (to the sons):
– Why are you looking at each other?
I heard that there is wheat in Egypt. go down to
there and buy us that wheat, so that you don't
we starve to death.
(Children say goodbye to their father and continue their journey)
Scene VI
Joseph's Audience Room.
- May my God be praised
for the blessed day.
I close the hearing now.
Which? there are still more people
waiting for me outside?
Let these only enter!
(Your servant brings them in)
(Joseph's brothers enter and bow before him)
– Tell me, who are you?
– Canaan is our Fatherland,
where we suffer from hunger.
Take this silver from us
that we brought from Canaan.
We beg permission
to buy of your wheat.
Otherwise we will die.
JOSÉ (looks to the side and speaks aside):
– These are my brothers!
Oh, day so long dreamed of!
(speaking to the brothers)
I see you are spies!
Don't come lie to me!
– Oh lord, don't think so.
We are children of one man.
We want to starve
of ours and we are ready…
– Ready to spy!
- No! We just came to buy!
Lord, that's the truth.
Twelve children my father had…
The last one is with him.
Ten beg him for mercy,
and the other no longer lives.
- If the word that brings me
is a lie, we will prove it.
So let everyone stay
here, and let only one go
look for that little brother.
The other nine incarceration
until I see that some mistake
exists in what they said.
- Today we are punished
for the crime committed
against our own brother.
We despise your plea,
your tears of anguish...
We close the heart.
- And behold, the cup of bitterness
who drank… in us it overflows.
- I didn't tell them that time
to get rid of anger?
Today this blood, fools,
upon us is poured out.
JOSÉ (turns around and cries):
– I am a God-fearing man.
Do not be afraid, therefore.
Let one of yours stay here,
and the others take as much
of wheat for sustenance
From home. And, in a short time,
come back with the last brother.
This is how the truth proves
of what was said this afternoon,
and you will not die.
— O lord, what goodness!
– And who is incarcerated?
– You, who are older.
– May it be the one who is most guilty!
'But we're all to blame.
- So let's get lucky.
- No! Stay the one who feels
the heaviest heart.
Judah sowed the seed.
We were instigated by him.
But I, in my heart,
more than all I hated
my wretched brother.
Therefore, I will stay!
– And Joseph dispatched the nine brothers with the wheat and, secretly, put the money paid for them back into the sacks. One of the brothers, opening his sack to feed a donkey, saw the money. His heart was grieved, and trembling, he said to his brethren:
– What is this that God made us?
(the brothers show despair)
Scene VII
In Jacob's house, he addresses his sons.
– We have just consumed the wheat we bought in Egypt.
Go back there to buy some more food.
– The governor sternly ordered us not to return to his presence without our younger brother.
– If it must be so, take the best products of the land and take it as a gift to the governor. Take Benjamin, and
may God Almighty give them mercy before that man.
scene VIII
The brothers enter the scene bringing Benjamin.
- I'm afraid of this man...
Why did you bring us to your house?
- Is this a trap?
to say that we stole
and make us your slaves?
– The money in our sacks…
– Your care around us…
– What a cunning snare!
- We'll be caught soon
like birds in the net.
– Gentlemen, welcome!
Is your old father alive?
Tell me how he's doing.
BROTHERS (bows to greet Joseph):
– He is alive and well.
– And is this the younger brother? (points to Benjamin)
- Yes it's me. I'm Benjamin.
JOSEPH (aside):
– Oh, how I am moved!
(to all)
– God bless you then.
Welcome, friends.
I ask you to dine with me.
And, now free from prison,
the other brother will come soon.
(Simeon comes to join them)
BROTHERS (whispering):
– What does such an invitation mean?
Do slaves eat with the owner?
- Come on, eat with appetite!
There's a feast for everyone!
scene IX
– When the brothers were going to leave, Joseph ordered his servant to fill the sacks with the maximum amount of grain that the brothers could carry; and that the money which the brethren had paid be put back secretly into the sacks. He also ordered that his own silver cup be placed in Benjamin's sack. As soon as the brothers left the city, Joseph ordered his servant to run to them and look for the cup. (he goes)
“This is the cup where my lord drinks and makes predictions.
Why do you pay Good with Evil?
Come back all with me!
(The brothers return talking to each other.)
– Why would we steal the cup?
– We gave double money!
- And a present we brought!
– And from the earth all the fruits.
– And the silver we found…
– …in the bags, we deliver.
JOSEPH: (approaches):
– What did you do?
What an unfair thank you!
Will this be the payment
for all they got?
- Oh lord, what shall we do?
to wash away this offense?
How to prove innocence?
Your slaves we will be
for our crime of yore.
– God forbid it now.
Only the one in whose
found my cup
be arrested. and the others,
come home in peace.
– Sir, do not be angry.
Hear what my father told us:
“I loved your brother so much,
and he is dead.
take this one this time.
But I will die of grief
if he doesn't come back too."
So to my father I swore
that the boy would be
under my protection,
and if something bad happens
the blame I would bear.
Allow me to remain,
instead of my brother.
I will always be your slave
living the hardest life.
But I will never have sent
my father to the grave.
JOSEPH (cries):
– Oh, come closer!
I am the brother who was sold!
José. Is my father alive?
I'm José. Be at peace.
Know that God willed it that way.
It was God who sent me
in front to get ready
a place where you
could all live.
Still five years to go
to germinate the grain.
Return, therefore, to Canaan,
saying to my father then:
“By Joseph thus it was said:
God made me master of Egypt.
I will give you from my hand
a gift land.
I will support everyone.
Come and bring everyone
and all animals.
Here they will live in peace.”
- It is true! It's him!
Where will we run?
– Oh, fear not, my brothers!
It was God's will.
I give you my forgiveness.
– Oh, heavens, who suffered so much!
(kneel) Sorry we don't deserve it.
let us kneel
At your feet.
JOSEPH (to Benjamin):
– Hug me, Benjamin,
hug me dear brother!
(the two hug each other)
And now you all
heed what was said
and they go looking for our people,
to live in Egypt.
– And Joseph installed his father and his brothers in an estate in the best region of Egypt, as Pharaoh had commanded. And Joseph provided for his father, his brothers, and all his family. And so they remained in the land of Egypt,
they acquired properties, had children and multiplied a lot.
(This last phrase of the chorus of narrators can be substituted or added by the sung part that I leave below)
"The Hebrew people - so it was said
in the holiest book –
by his brother Joseph of Egypt
was well fed.
And Joseph ruled
and of all your
cared, cared.
The Hebrew people stayed in Egypt
for years and years on end,
and multiplied and so grew.
Many children were born.
And the God of your fathers,
from high in the skies
watched over, watched over.”