June 11, 2020

Skinny and Heavy


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poem by Hedwig Diestel
translated and recreated by Ruth Salles

blackboard drawing by teacher Verônica Calandra Martins

Skinny and Heavy
go your way;
take silver in the bag,
step softly,
because who lives in this bush
It's the giant Strawberry.

Skinny and Heavy,
each one goes silent.
If the giant wakes up, then...
take both and everything.
He snores and even shakes.
– Pass now, tiptoe!

Skinny and Heavy,
your smack taking,
almost without stepping on the ground,
run shooting.
You can already hear the Scatter
yawning there in the bush.

Skinny and Heavy,
in the mountain entering,
go up soon then,
your spanking taking.
And the giant, mumbling,
for the two goes out looking.

Scrape and tear the brute
tall and short tree,
and rock the mountains so much
that a slope cracks.
Want to catch – what a fuss! –
Skinny and Heavy.

your disheveled hair
in a cleft it jams,
and the fool stumbles
with the nose to the ground.
What the hell are they,
Skinny and Heavy!

Muttering in so-called,
goes the Scatter.
He limps and rubs his nose,
back to the bush.
Safe and sound with the surrão,
Skinny and Heavy!


*Theatre version at this link: https://www.institutoruthsalles.com.br/magrelinho-e-pesadao/




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