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poem in the Amphibrachio rhythm (short-long-short)
poem by Ruth Salles
Amphibrachium: v___v (short-long-short). Gives limits to the child: retract, let go, retract.
Deslimeces on forhuntingokthem to comeI'm…
iffrog that are fanfrom the canOKgoing to relenot?
And happy girls arrive in flocks,
jumping and dancing like ballerinas.
Then they settle down, talk on the grass,
while, from the houses, someone does not call them.
But one of them is missing! Did the girl disappear?
Helena looks for: “Marina! Marina!"
And finds Marina in the shade of the ipê,
brooding, quiet, with everything she sees.
But then he shoots running from his colleague:
"Now I want to see who catches me!"