October 30, 2017



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poem in the Amphibrachio rhythm (short-long-short)

by Ruth Salles

Amphibrachium: v___ v (short-long-short). Gives limits to the child: retract, let go, retract.



at eswiththere menous, gulaughs baruhentos,
at wowthem orcomedo, trabalook athavetos:
and speak, and sing, and paint, and write,
and to so many happy tasks they dare.

Classes are over. leaving school,
in the square the boys throw themselves at the ball;
and they jump, and they run, and they shout aimlessly,
and forget about time, which passes and flies.

But soon, tired of so much running,
sit in the square, comment on life
and seeing the sun set, and wanting peace,
they return to their homes and to the sweet warmth.






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