October 22, 2017

My floor


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poem in Jambo rhythm (short-long) 

by Ruth Salles

Jambo: v____ (short-long). He works by taking the step forward and willingly. It also helps the overly withdrawn child to expand. It retracts on the short syllable and lets go on the long one. We have underlined the long syllables of the first lines here, for easier understanding.



Badhuh well ceof, whenof the Sun
ThePanreright at the clanro sky,
I will see the colors of the afterglow
and I'm going to walk away.

The birds soon come
eat, drink in my hand.
I water the garden very well,
and the greens will grow.

In my garden, oh, what a flower!
And how much fruit in the orchard!
What light, what sun, what good heat!
In the blue lake I will swim.

The little sheep, eating
in the green pasture your grass,
I graze with pleasure,
and they follow along with me.

In everything, in everything I see the hand
of a good angel to guide me.
And I stand on this ground
that God has given me and I will keep.






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