September 7, 2020

MOVEH Brasil


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Movement for Humanizing Education

The Ruth Salles Institute, together with 10 other organizations and volunteers, who work in the field of education, co-created the Movement for Humanizing Education, with the aim of holding debates and proposing public actions and policies that make basic education in Brazil more humanized. , integral and emancipatory.

Nossa primeira realização foi elaborar uma proposta de formação continuada para professores da rede pública e encaminhá-la para a Secretaria Municipal de Educação de São Paulo. A partir dessa iniciativa, decidimos estruturar um movimento que desse visibilidade a este tema fundamental para o futuro de nossa sociedade. Anualmente realizamos a Semana da Educação Humanizadora, para debater e dar visibilidade ao tema.

We then created a Manifest, which summarizes our principles and objectives, and we are publishing it at this time. It is our mission to promote the development of human beings capable of building a society founded on a culture of peace, cultural freedom, economic fraternity, equal rights and opportunities, respect for all differences and environmental sustainability.

If you also believe that every child has the right to be loved and welcomed by the society to which they belong, to be respected and valued as an individual, and to be able to grow in contact with nature, join us in this movement!

In the featured image some representatives of the founding group of MOVEH. From left to right: Juliana B. Ramalho (teacher in the municipal school system), Rubens Salles (Ruth Salles Institute), Milton Tortella (Manacá School), Rose Laviano (Maiana Institute), Marcos Galhego (Volunteer), Ana Laula Cury (School of Parents), Melanie M. Guerra (Rudolf Steiner College) and Ute Craemer (Alliance for Childhood and Monte Azul Association). The Instituto Olinto Marques, the Federation of Waldorf Schools, the Youth Section and Emergency Pedagogy are also part of it.

Read and subscribe to our Manifest

Follow us on social media: @moveh.brasil



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