June 2, 2018

Songs for Saint John


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Suggestions of 4 songs to dance quadrilha – with the lyrics

Recorded at the Rudolf Steiner Waldorf School June party in 2009.

I'm going, I'm going… on my way to Viseu!

I'm going, I'm going,
on the way to Viseu, [bis]
I found my love,
Oh Jesus, here I come! [Bis]


ora zus, truz, truz,
back, back, back,
come, come, come, come,
now get back there!

I'm going, I'm going,
on the way to Viseu,
I slipped, twisted my foot,
oh that hurt me so much!


coming me, coming me,
from the city of Viseu,
I left my love there
what annoyed me!

Carambola Wheel

who is mad at me
I don't know why
If it's lack of affection
give to my heart

clap your hands inside
Hi turn and knock out
Even yesterday I came from there
From the carambola wheel

In my house there is mud
In yours there is a quagmire
There is no carnation like white
Nor love like the first

There in the sky there is a star
Only open hourly
I compare that star
With the love I have now

Let's take one more turn
that the viola ordered to give
Let's take one more
that life will stop

Inezita Barroso

Balaio, honey, balaio, sinhá
heart swing
Girl who doesn't have a basket, sinhá
Put the sewing on the floor

I wanted to be balaio
Balaio I wanted to be
to walk hanging
on your waist

Balaio, honey, balaio, sinhá
heart swing
Girl who doesn't have a basket, sinhá
Put the sewing on the floor

I ordered a basket
to put my cotton
Balaio came out small
I don't want balaio no

Balaio, honey, balaio, sinhá
heart swing
Girl who doesn't have a basket, sinhá
Put the sewing on the floor

screaming sad
Solange Maria and Adauto Santos

This time is long gone, I know
So far that I even think I dreamed
How beautiful when we listened in the distance
The sound of that sad screeching

And a cowboy screaming
And I stood there by the side of the road
Seeing the herd walk
Until the last ox passes

There, cattle passed, cattle passed
There was a palm tree
on the side of the road
where a lot of heart was stuck

But it was always like this
and always will be
The new comes and the old has to stop
Progress has covered the road dust
And this everything that is my nothing
Today I have to accept
and cry
But even seeing people, cars passing by
my eyes are seeing
a herd to pass

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