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Adapted for the 5th grade by Ruth Salles, from the book by Ronaldo Brito and Assis Lima – Songs by Isabel Lüders – illustration by Verônica Calandra Martins
If this musical has the participation of older students, one of them must be the clown Mateus, and the others must constitute the half of the choir that sings. Mateus whistles a few blows to scold, or to laugh at the boys.
Choir (which sings and then forms the procession of the three kings)
Mateus clown
Playful boys: Luís, João and Antônio
Shepherd girls: Ana and Gabriela
Angel that passes by lifting the Star aloft
Jose and Maria
Zabilin the Donkey
The three kings (black, indian and white) and their processions
Jaraguá, the weird animal.
Scene 1
(Long night. Mateus, playful boys and shepherd girls pass by looking at the doors of the houses.)
ANA: – Tonight a long-desired Child will be born.
LUÍS: – And it can only be in one of those houses.
GABRIELA: But, how do we know which house it will be in?
MATTHEW: – It's the one that has a sign, Gabriela! (he punches her and the others in the head, naming them): – See, João? – See, Antonio? – See, Anna? - See, Luis?
JOÃO (looks around): – Well, I didn't see anything, Mateus! How are we going to find the signal?
ANTÔNIO: – Maybe we play one of those games of finding things?
MATTHEW: – The best games to find are Boca de Forno and Romaninha. Come on guys! I pull, and you respond. (He beeps then yells):
- Oven mouth!
MATTHEW: Taking out cake!
MATTHEW: – Jacaranda!
MATTHEW: When I say so!
THE OTHERS: – I will!
MATTHEW: And if not?
THE OTHERS: – Catch!
(Now everyone sings along with the choir. The younger ones sing the lines of “Romã, pomegranate” and “Romaninha.” Mateus and the older ones sing the others. The players and the shepherdesses move as they sing to find what Mateus asks. )
ALL (sing):
“Pomegranate, pomegranate
who brings here first
pomegranate, pomegranate
A very white stone
pomegranate, pomegranate
Who do you find in that sand?
romaninha, romaninha
Seawater shells.
pomegranate, pomegranate
bring quickly running
pomegranate, pomegranate
The feather of a scroll
pomegranate, pomegranate
Bring it in the palm of your hand
romaninha, romaninha
A very dry leaf.”
MATTHEW (whistles and speaks):
– Romaninha, Romaninha
Who can say what it's called
the one who will be born
And better salute your name
As I let you know
Gain a kingdom beyond the earth
And what the earth offers.
– Ah! It is almost midnight and the Child is about to be born. We need to find the house to have a dance in celebration of this long-awaited birth. I will ask another way. You try to find what I ask for. (Gives potshots and whistles.)
– Romaninha, Romaninha,
I will ask right now
to bring me without delay
a single hair
of the most hidden person
to be found on the ground.
(Boys run and come back showing invisible threads, stretching them between their fingers.)
GABRIELA: – Look at this one!
LUÍS: – Mine is very black!
ANA (whimpering): – Mine broke…
JOÃO (searching on the floor): – I lost mine!
ANTÔNIO (laughing): – Mine belongs to a bald man!
MATTHEW (annoyed, with one of the threads in his hand):
- That strand of hair
not even worth the comparison
of the gift I'm going to ask for.
It's the Boy's house!
Who finds such a rich gift
wins the other side of the mirror,
win half the land. (Gives the boys big shots, who run away.)
THE CHILDREN (screaming, knocking on doors):
- Let's get the Boy!
(The angel passes by lifting the star and comes out on the other side.)
ANA: – A star has passed in the sky!
MATTHEW (whistles and speaks):
– Romaninha, Romaninha,
no one leaves the ground.
Who saw the star pass?
Who knows your whereabouts?
- I have not seen. I heard
that ran across the sky.
– Three kings walk behind her,
each the lightest.
- I'll run ahead
to see if I get there first.
– Who knows where the house is
that has a sign on the door,
go play at my party
and will win my gift
of saltine crackers!
scene 2
(José and Maria pass slowly in front of the scene and come out on the other side, but the children are facing the houses and don't even see.)
“Joseph carpenter
looking for a coat.
The hours go by,
the rooster has crowed.
no one opens the door
in that city.
Jose saddens,
so poor and tired.
jose carpenter
and the Virgin Mary
looking for inn
in a stable.
The night has come,
it's the expected time.
Mary sighs,
so poor and tired.”
“Joseph carpenter
found sweater.
Mary rests
so rich in straws.
Bethlehem opens the doors,
bathed in light.
The star has already brought
the Baby Jesus.”
MATTHEW (whistles and tries to gather the scattered boys):
– The rooster crows (makes a thin voice): “Crrrristo was born…!!!”
The ox mooes (makes a deep voice): “Ooonde? Oowhere?
And the ram bellows (naturally shaky voice): “Bééélém… Bééélém!
GABRIELA (coming back): – I think it's that house! (points)
ANA (turning back): – Is it the blue one?
JOÃO (coming back): – Is it the one with the yellow bar?
LUÍS (returning): – Is it the one with the flower in the window?
ANTÔNIO (jumps in the middle of the group and says):
- I saw the dream house
where a star shines
shine and rain,
make night and make day…
The house is… (points) that one!
MATTHEW: – But the door and the window are closed… (he claps his hands) No one opens…
JOÃO: – The solution is to knock the door down with a log.
MATTHEW (annoyed, blasts João): – Where have you seen, João, break into the house that will receive us? What is missing is a strong prayer.
LUÍS: – I know the blind man's prayer!
GABRIELA: – I know the bean and flour prayer.
ANA: – This is not prayer, this is food!
JOÃO (makes a muque with both arms):
– Open, wooden door
painted yellow.
If I try so hard,
I know I crumble.
MATTHEW (giving him a few shots): – That one wasn't worth it. You didn't even cross yourself! Let's draw lots to see who prays for the Sign.
(The boys form a circle with Mateus in the middle. He gives each one a big shot on the head and recites ending in Antonio.)
MATTHEW: – Pa-ne-li-ha went to sea en-cheu, va-zou! (whistles) – Come on Antônio, pray very nicely.
ANTÔNIO (fumbled, scratches his head, because he doesn't know any prayers and invents):
– By the sign of the armed cross,
God protect this house.
I believe in the cross, that after this
this door it collapses.
Hare mare, Amen.
(Mateus sits down from laughing so hard at the nonsense said and gives Antônio a few shots, who crosses his arms, angrily.)
MATTHEW: Whoa, whoa, whoa! This prayer can cure even a bellyache, but it doesn't open the door.
scene 3
GABRIELA: – What if we called the donkey Zabilin? When she dances, all doors open.
ALL (calling): – Zabilin! Zabilin! Zabilin!
(Zabilin enters dancing and goes ahead, while the older choir sings with Mateus and the younger one with the children.)
MATTHEW: “Zabilin!
CHILDREN: Tin-tin, tin-tin, tin-tin. (this chorus is sung 3 times with “Zabilin”)
MATTHEW: My cowardly donkey has arrived.
CHILDREN: I am not a banana tree, nor am I a banana tree.
MATTHEW: I had seven skirts, I had them ironed.
CHILDREN: I am not a banana tree, nor am I a banana tree.
MATTHEW: I had a beautiful calico, I had it sewn.
CHILDREN: I am not a banana tree, nor am I a banana tree.
MATTHEW: Zabilin!
CHILDREN: Tin-tin, tin-tin, tin-tin. (3 times, with “Zabilin”)
MATTHEW: When the donkey dances, no one wants to stop.
CHILDREN: I am not a banana tree, nor am I a banana tree.
MATTHEW: She dances fast and dances slow.
CHILDREN: I am not a banana tree, nor am I a banana tree.
MATTHEW: Me and my donkey are going for a walk.
CHILDREN: I am not a banana tree, nor am I a banana tree.
CHILDREN (while the donkey runs away from Mateus who follows with the balloons):
– This Zabilin didn’t open any doors…
ANTÔNIO: – Matthew! We need a very powerful prayer that makes it even thunder.
JOÃO: – I know of one that a caboclinho taught me.
MATTHEW (lifting up): – Caboclinho? So pray hard! Come on, John! (whistles)
– Zabelê ran in the bush
slipped in capoeira.
For three kernels of corn
trap caught her.
Open the door, open the hatch,
open sky, roars thunder.
Worth the king of caboclinhos!
Open the door or open the floor!
scene 4
(The door opens. Mateus falls down, startled. Inside the house are Joseph and Mary. When the six go in, they see the three kings arrive with their processions, which are the choirs of great and small.)
BLACK KING (sings along with the great choir):
“When I enter this room
that from the east I saw,
I say my name, nothing else.
I am king of race,
I am king of congo,
it is my grace.”
INDIAN KING (sings with the choir of the great):
“When I enter this room
that from the east I saw,
I say my name, nothing else.
I'm king of hunting,
I am arrow king,
is my weapon.”
WHITE KING (sings with the choir of the great):
“When I enter this room
that from the east I saw,
I say my name, nothing else.
I'm king of the square,
cape and sword
journey king.
THE KINGS (with the chorus of the great and the little ones):
“We are kings on earth,
we are kings at sea.
the boy's feet
we came to kiss
We are kings on earth,
we are kings at sea.
Greater King, Boy,
we came to praise.”
(The kings bow before Joseph and Mary, leave their gifts and leave. Matthew approaches the door where Joseph is and asks permission to have the dance.)
– Gentlemen of the house,
Jesus, Joseph and Mary,
we want to have a dance
that mends the night into the day.
'Cause when a boy is born
all joy is reborn.
No matter how humble,
is the life that is created,
is the hope of the world
which is announced with it.
Gentlemen of the house,
Jesus, Joseph and Mary,
without your consent
the dance does not start.
(Joseph enters the house and leaves again with a lighted lantern. It is permission for the party.)
ANA and GABRIELA (yelling): – We can do the dance! We can do the dance!
LUÍS and JOÃO: – Long live! Live!
ANTÔNIO: – Look who's coming!
MATTHEW (scratches his head and shouts in time to the music): – Who are you?
CABOCLINHOS (they shout from the entrance): – Indian caboclinhos!
MATTHEW (screams): – Where are you going?
CABOCLINHOS (screaming): – Let's go to Belém!
MATTHEW (screams): – Do what?
CABOCLINHOS (screaming): – See our King! See our good!
MATEUS (sings with the choir of the great ones, while the caboclinhos dance and go
leaving her gifts: honey gourd, egg, wine, feathers, flute):
“The caboclinhos boys,
when the star runs across the sky,
bring bows,
bring arrows,
a little honey gourd.
Everyone wants to be caboclos
and through the woods to run,
play flute,
with the sun at dawn.”
CABOCLINHOS (they continue singing with the children's choir, they dance and leave):
feather parrot,
nambu egg,
jurema wine.
urupema scale,
curumim dance,
emu sieve.”
MATTHEW (scratches his head again; a baby's cry is heard):
- The boy woke up with so much noise. Let's wait.
MARY (sings, cradling the Child, along with the choir):
“The sheep brings the wool
with the morning dew.
To make the boy happy,
a goat rings the bell.
And the singer knew
stop singing.
the seamstress spider
weave a light garment.
The hen lays an egg
which is good for lunch.
And what does the cow want?
Bring milk with coffee.
If the boy doesn't shut up
not even if the butterfly rocks
the mother knows how to comfort
giving the breast to suck.”
scene 5
(The gypsies enter dancing and reading the hand of whoever is on the way.)
CHORUS (of the big ones, while Mateus jumps and blasts the gypsies):
“Egypt's brunette gypsy
with the scent of cloves and cinnamon,
rock the gold bracelets
and the yellow silk skirt.”
CHILDREN (answer with the choir of the little ones):
“Oh, oh, beautiful gypsy girl,
who gave you cloves and cinnamon?
Oh, oh, beautiful gypsy girl,
who gave you cloves and cinnamon?”
CHORUS (the big ones, continues, while the gypsies dance):
“Gypsy shakes the tambourine
that I brought on her trip.
In the lines of the hand she reads
the luck that life reveals.”
CHILDREN (as before):
“Alas, alas, &c.”
CHORUS (of the big ones, while the gypsies give presents to the Boy and leave):
“Gypsy looking for a house
that has a sign in the window.
Inside, a light shines.
Oh, who is it that lives in it?”
CHILDREN (as before):
“Alas, alas, &c.”
MATTHEW (runs angrily, blasting left and right):
– But what disorder is this? So our dance never starts. There are caboclinhos that appear, and more gypsies, and more… Ah, I’m tired…
(Mateus sits on the floor. A bird chirps. He doesn't see that Jaraguá is coming. Mateus gets up and sings with the choir of the great ones. After the first quatrain, Jaraguá headbutts him. The song continues .)
MATTHEW (sings with the choir of the great):
“I was under a tree.
By noon he was resting.
I heard such a wistful song.
It just looks like a bird singing to me…” (The Jaraguá headbutts him)
“Oh, what an ugly beast! Virgin Mother of God!
It's Jaraguá, hi little sister, to get Mateus!
Come with your mouth open, hi little sister, to get Mateus.”
(Now the song is happy, with evolutions from Jaraguá.)
“Arrived, arrived, there my Jaraguá arrived!”
CHILDREN (with the chorus of the little ones, respond):
“The pet is cute, he knows how to hang around.
MATTHEW (with the chorus):
“Half a moon, Jaraguá, a full moon, Jaraguá.”
CHILDREN (with the choir):
“The pet is cute, he knows how to hang out.”
“Arrived, arrived, there my Jaraguá arrived.”
“The pet is cute, he knows how to hang out.”
“Take the boy, Jaraguá, take the boy, Jaraguá.”
“The pet is cute, he knows how to hang out.”
(Jaraguá is dancing and advancing on the boys, who don't even care, but run.)
scene 6
(José and Maria, with Jesus in their arms, are at the door and watch the dance. The shepherdesses arrive, and then the ox, who dances. The gypsies, the caboclinhos, Zabilin and Jaraguá also dance. Mateus whistles and gives balloons.)
MATTHEW (and choir sing as the shepherdesses enter):
“Pastorinha, oh sister,
shepherdess, oh man,
what are you doing?"
PASTORS (and choir of the little ones respond):
“Pasting the cattle, oh,
herding the cattle, oh,
who is eating.”
(The chant is repeated, only changing “eating” for “drinking”.)
(The ox dance begins. The large choir sings, and the small chorus responds with “hello, hello.”)
CHORUS (sing):
“Hello, hello!
Hi, dance my ox,
hello hello
hi come here, boyfriend,
hello hello
hi come here thin tape,
hello hello
Hi my beautiful bull,
my wild ox,
bow to me
at the foot of Your Master (the ox bows before Mary and Joseph)
hello hello
Hi dance my ox,
hello hello
Hi come here, Boyfriend,
hello hello
Hi, come here, Dark One,
hello Hi
Hi my beautiful bull,
my brown bull,
bow to me
at the feet of the viola.”
CHILDREN (sing with the children's choir):
“Come stars, moon and sun,
in this sacred moment,
dance in a large venue,
praise beautiful birth,
dance in the wheel of the day,
of the night and of the firmament.
Come men and shepherdesses,
children and animals too.
The function starts,
to the dance God Boy comes.
In this hour of joy, ha-ha-ha,
play is what suits us.”
MATTHEW (speaks to Joseph and Mary):
– Gentlemen of the house,
Jesus, Joseph and Mary,
the dance here doesn't end,
the dance begins here,
just like the sun
renews itself every day,
just like the moon
four times is recreated,
as much as the star
review the route and guide us.
CHILDREN (with the choir they end the song):
“Singing, dancing in the revelry
let's all go, let's go,
caboclinhos and gypsies,
Boi, Burrinha and Jaraguá.
Let's turn around,
turn and a half we'll give.
Let's turn around,
turn and a half we'll give it.” (stanza can be sung twice)