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play by Ruth Salles

blackboard drawing by teacher Verônica Calandra Martins
This play is a translation and adaptation of the play Thor and the Giants, by Pelham Moffat¹, which is based on Norse mythology. Thor's hammer, which is the weapon of his power, is stolen by a giant and must be recovered through cunning. Loki appears here not as an evil spirit, but as the mischievous and cunning god.
Choir of the Gods / Loki / Thor / Freya / Odin / Friga / Heimdal / Messenger / Three Norns / Choir of the Giants / Thyrm / Thyrm's Servant
Asgard, abode of the gods is on the left. On the right, the abode of the giants. The main scene of Thor and Loki with the giants takes place in the center.
“The sun descends in clear light.
There go the crows to the nest.
Soon the shepherd also leads
for the sheep to shelter.
The night brings calm and peace
and covers the sky with a dark veil.
The gods look down from above
the valley, the mountain, the creatures.
In heaven, on earth, there is harmony.
So good law who defies?”
(Thyrm the giant sneaks in, steals Thor's hammer and leaves.)
LOKI (enters and hears thunder):
– The god Thor must be angry…
But what could have gone wrong?
if everything is so quiet? (more violent thunder is heard)
Oh if only I could find out
what is the reason for this thunder,
I would even have fun. (more thunder is heard)
THOR (entering):
– Are you there, Loki? oh then
it was definitely the thief.
He took what is most valuable.
“But I didn't steal anything, Thor.
– And nobody noticed? Nobody saw?
It was my hammer that disappeared!
What will we do? and who will be
who dared to rob me?
- Well, I say at once:
can only be some giant,
to steal your power.
- It was a quiet night...
Why were you so agitated? (Freya and Odin stand out from the chorus)
– Problems like this have never been seen.
Thor's hammer is gone.
To the depths I will fly,
where the giants have their home. (addresses Freya)
- Freya, I need to get dressed
with your hawk wings,
and I will do things never seen before.
– Is this true or a fabrication?
- It is true!
- Well, take the wings. (hands him the wings)
I want to see you fly.
- We will be ready,
waiting for you to come back,
our fate in your hands.
GODS (as Loki walks away):
- Goodbye, Loki! Goodbye! Goodbye!
(Norns detach from the chorus and weave, indicating the passage of time.)
– Norns are weaving lives
of men and gods, wisely.
The whole plot is well woven,
And the thread runs slowly.
FREYA (pointing up):
- Here comes Loki! How he flies!
LOKI (entering):
– I came to bring good news.
I found Thyrm the giant,
very quiet sitting there.
And then I spoke of the hammer,
to see what he said.
And he said, "I stole the hammer,
just as Thor was sleeping.
I will return it only when someone
bring the bride I want.
I just want Freya, and no one else!”
- Oh no! It's Freya he wants!
- And I'll take you by the hand.
– Me, marry a giant? No!
Leaving Asgard and the light
and go live in the dark
with a disgusting giant?
- What sadness luck brings us!
The giants will soon come.
And our gods never again
here in Asgard will reign. (Friga and Heimdal stand out from the chorus)
— O Heimdal, our guardian,
give your well thought out advice!
– Instead of Freya, Thor must go.
What he wants he will get.
Put on Thor the engagement veil
and go dressed as a woman,
carrying the keys in the waist,
and with the head hidden
for a hood. If you do,
well deserves that your hammer
be returned to you soon.
Strength and value! Onward, Thor!
- Me, wedding dress? No!
I take Thyrm by the neck,
but a skirt dress, no!
– Listen to Heimdal's advice.
Use the disguise. It's the way
to be able to enter the place.
I will also go in disguise
bridesmaid by her side.
CHORUS OF THE GODS (sings, as the goddesses dress Thor and Loki):
“The gentle bride is being groomed.
Such a white maiden no one has seen.
In the veil hiding the flushed cheeks,
on the belt holding the golden keys.
Long dress, with such beautiful ornaments,
silver diadem on her fair hair.”
- The carriage is ready.
- Here we go!
- Good trip! (Thor's rage thunders)
— In this dark and distant realm,
our step is thunderous.
It shakes the whole earth,
when the foot sinks into the ground.
Gods and men we abhor.
We both dominate.
Now, Thor was the loser.
Your hammer is hidden.
Come someone challenge us!
Heaven and earth we will take!
– I have plenty of cattle and gold,
but what is this treasure worth?
I'm only rich if Freya comes,
for it is worth more than any good.
SERVANT (entering):
- Coming through the sky
something coming up now!
– Is it an eagle coming?
- I don't think so, because it's been buzzing.
Use wings for travel,
but it looks like a carriage.
– Carriage? But, who comes in it?
Can you see who those people are?
– There are two white figures coming.
They're women, if I can see.
One is graceful and very beautiful.
There is a bridal veil over her.
- It's her, it's her! The promised!
May she be well received!
My giants, set the table! (the giants
of the choir prepare the table)
May dinner be a wealth!
– A lady came too.
Bridesmaid for sure!
I hear your footsteps on the stairs.
- May she be welcomed!
My giants, Freya has arrived. (Enter Thor and Loki)
– Oh, beautiful bride, here I am.
- Now bring the food
perfect for your dinner! (the giants bring the food)
(Thor devours the delicacy in a few moments and looks around for more.)
THOR (to Loki):
- This does not fill my belly!
– Chiu… Don't talk while chewing!
(Thor takes Thyrm's fish, when Thyrm is not looking, and eats it.)
THYRM (to Loki):
– She's strong… And how she eats!
Is she always so hungry?
- No! The wedding thrilled her.
That's why she went
seven days without eating anything,
and now she's hungry.
(Thor, satisfied at last, leans back)
– Now, Freya, lift the veil.
I want to see your face.
(He takes the tip of the veil. Thor backs away angrily, and the giant stops.)
THYRM (to Loki):
– Why that fire in your eyes,
like a flame burning me?
– It's the love you're seeing.
For seven days it has been burning.
- So let's go, right now,
celebrate the wedding.
Quickly bring my gift
in front of her and everyone else!
(The servant brings the hammer, which Thyrm places in Thor's lap.)
THYRM (to Thor):
- Thor's toy is yours.
It's my engagement gift.
THOR (raising hammer):
- Yea! The hammer is now mine! (advances to
the giants that fall to the ground)
- Very well, Freya! Well spoken!
THOR (front):
– Here is the hammer in my power!
I came dressed as a woman,
because it had to be.
But it was enough for me.
*1: MOFFAT, Pelham. 21 Plays for Children. Edinburgh: Rudolf Steiner School Truat, 1967.