November 9, 2017

The time


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play by Ruth Salles

Role play to learn to tell the time on the clock. To experience the passing of the day until the climax of the midday sun, and then the fall of the afternoon until the night, the stanzas change, from the sunrise, from lines of two syllables, to lines of three, six , seven syllables, and then the rhythm slows down again to two lines of one syllable each. The music is that of the clock chime, with variations made especially.

The choir, the weather, the clocks, the moon, the stars, the clouds, the sun, the father, the mother, the children, the flowers, the birds.

The choir and clocks are on the scene. Enter time. As he talks along with the choir, he goes through the clocks and winds each one.

The hands begin to turn: the hour, slowly; the minutes, quickly. Afterwards, the chorus speaks as the characters stand out and the scenes unfold. The movement is left to the teacher's imagination.

– I am Time. I'm always passing.
I mark the hour, the minute the second,
the weeks, the months, the year.
I go round the world.

WATCHES (moving arms):
– Tick-tock, tick-tock,
time passes quietly.
walk very slowly
the little pointer.
– Turn, turn now the big one,
quickly turned around.
The minute goes by,
ticking… it's gone!

CHORUS (alone, as the scenes go on):
– The moon rises, very round.
Come make your round.
And the stars, blinking,
are changing places.
Calm night... Let us sleep,
all nature sleeps.
Night still… Suddenly…
tick, what a surprise!
stars and moon
disappeared into the sky.
clouds have colors
and wave your veil.

from the hill,
a lightning

It's the sun!
it's the sun
that already
it returned!

(the rooster crows)

TIC Tac…
hear the rooster
how sings!
get up.

The father quickens the step
and leaves for work.
Mom arranges everything
and the children go to school,
singing along the shortcut.

Tick-tock… Noon.
It is necessary to rest.
The family gathers.
It's time for lunch.

At the ticking sound,
time goes by:
the afternoon is already falling,
the flowers are closing.

The children are coming
and the father is not late.
And the mother opens
the door of the house.

In a tick,
the birds
already wrap up
inside the nests.

The bell rings.
add the sun
on the horizon.
and the stars
shine beautiful
over the hill.

and the moon
that lights up
in the woods

ALL (sing; unless you prefer to end the piece without singing):
“In the still, silent night,
our body will rest.
But our soul the angel takes,
the angel takes him for a walk.
And follows the mysterious turn,
mysterious, that the sun will give
behind the woods, behind the mountains,
behind the land, behind the sea.
And, on that return, all the flowers
get the colors they will show,
and the birds also learn
new songs to sing.
And, on this return, our soul
receive all that God gives you.
Get lighter, get stronger
on the new day to come.”





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