Rapunzel – The Princess and the Knight


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ANDstaging a rhythmic poem

Rhythmic poem represented by the 1st year of elementary school (7-year-old children) at Escola Waldorf Aitiara, in Botucatu-SP, class of teacher Doralice Moreira. This little piece was rehearsed during the rhythmic part of the class, performed daily to harmonize the class before starting the day's contents. It helps to develop sociability, diction, attention, musicality, etc.


There goes the knight well mounted on his steed.
It gallops very quickly with a feather in its hat.
The valleys have already descended and the mountains have already risen.
In the tower of a castle the princess smiled at him.

"Good good! I know he came to save me,
take me out of this tower, where I was crying.
That sorceress really bewitched me:
imprisoned me in this tower, without pity or pity.
Dear knight, what courage he has!
Jumped the deep ditch and at the foot of the wall comes.
I let go of my hair, and it goes up through them.
The enchantment has been broken, and the doors are opening!
Farewell to the sorceress, my beloved saved me,
mounted his horse, on the back he sat me!”

And off they go now, he and she, galloping.
With this knight the princess will marry!


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