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Order for 1st year

Chalkboard drawing by João Batista Conrado

Micael's Wheel is held by first year classes (7 year olds) at Waldorf Schools. This one presented here was carried out at EMEF Antônio Gonçalves da Neves, in Espírito Santo do Turvo, by the class of teacher Zilda Aparecida Martins, in 2008.



unknown author

far, far away
there lived an old king.
His reign was great,
prosperous, and all was well.

For a long time
the people lived happily and happily,
but now everything has changed,
the story says.

Outside the city, on a mountain,
lives a terrible dragon.
When it arrives in the air,
envelops everything in darkness.

The people tremble with fear
for the princess is in your hands!
Princess, do you live?
Princess already dead?
who has the courage
to save the princess from this evil?

One day an unknown prince arrived,
and by the king he was soon received.

I heard of your sadness King Feliz.
I want to save the princess
of the monstrous dragon!

Many young people left their lives
to save the beautiful princess.
If you defeat the brave dragon
You will have all the wealth.
A horse I give you.
blessed be the courage
whom death defies.

The prince knelt
to ask God for help,
and a great light appeared
coming from heaven.

The Archangel Michael
saluted the brave.

With the heavenly sword
you will be victorious.
Also take the golden shield
who was blessed by me.

The prince thus armed
faced the brave dragon,
and with strength and care
hit the sword right in the heart.
The large body fell to the ground.

The prince brought the princess on his horse.
Finally the princess is free
and the hero, with much glory, lives.
The joy of the people was great
and the wedding was celebrated
at the same instant.

Praise be to Archangel Michael.
I will always be faithful to him.
He helps me fight evil,
with the celestial sword.


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