November 9, 2017

Saint Cristopher


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play by Ruth Salles

Play based on the legend as narrated in the book A Luz do Sol, by Caroline von Heydebrand9. The giant Christopher wants to serve the most powerful lord in the world and goes looking for him. First you find a king… Music in the pentatonic scale.

Choir A, Choir B, Saint Kitts, King, Soldier, Devil, Hermit, Angel, people Christopher helps to cross the river, Boy.

EVERYONE (enters singing):
“Oh, what a mighty river
I must cross!
There is no bridge over it.
How will I pass?
Saint Kitts, Saint Kitts,
come take me!”

CHORUS A (speaks, while Saint Christopher walks):
– Once upon a time there was a good giant.
The creature was so big
which was eight meters tall.
With a happy face, he walked away
and around the world I was thinking:

- The whole world I will travel,
to ask, to look for
which lord has more power.

KING (appears in front of him):
– In this country, I am the King!
I have under my power
lots of land, lots of people!

- So I can only want
serve the King faithfully.

– A giant at my service?
I'm really happy about that!

CHORUS B (while Cristóvão works with the hoe):
- The giant worked,
and so time passed.

SOLDIER (enters running):
- My king, right by the gate
there was a terrible fight
that I managed to separate.
But I'm almost done
in this hell of a fight!

KING (makes the sign of the cross):
– Cross, my good soldier!

– Majesty, what do you mean?
this gesture all crossed
what did you just do?

- Whenever the devil's name
before me is pronounced,
I bless myself with this sign,
and the devil does me no harm.
He runs away. And just like that
will have no power over me.

– So the strength that the devil has
is greater than the strength of the King?!
If he is so strong and mighty,
I will definitely find it.
I want to serve those who have
a power greater than that of the King. (The King leaves.)

CHORUS A (while Cristóvão is walking):
- And the giant walked
looking for the Evil One,
and saw a ride.
a terrible knight
of your horse jumped
and approached him.

DEVIL (appearing):
– Who are you looking for?

- I'm looking for the devil,
that has proven power.

- It is me. No one can stand me!
I dominate a lot of people!

- So I can only want
serve the devil faithfully.

CHORUS B (as the two walk):
- The devil and the giant
go along the road,
but on the bend just ahead
there was a cross stuck.

CHRISTOPHER (seeing that the devil turns away from the cross):
- Why do you deviate?
the path you followed?

- I get scared
seeing the symbol of the cross
where Christ was preached.

– Ah, sir, is this it?
Seeing the symbol of Christ,
does the devil have to run away?
If Christ has more power,
so I can only want
this Christ to serve. (The devil runs away.)

CHORUS A (as Cristóvão walks):
– The giant walked, walked,
until one day found
a kind hermit.
And he taught that Christ
was a mighty lord,
and king of all that exists.

HERMIT (appears and talks to Cristóvão):
- Whoever wants to serve Christ
must pray and fast.

- I can't fast
and I don't even know how to pray.
But sir, there must be
another way to serve.

HERMIT (points to the river):
- Well, in that deep river
there is neither plank nor bridge.
But you, being a giant,
putting people on their shoulders,
can, with strength and courage,
take them to the other shore.

- I will do it with love
by Christ our Lord.

ANGEL (appears and blesses Christopher):
– A very heavy job
you now surrender.
And I name him Opphorus,
for Ophorus means (solemnly)
the one who carries. (The angel leaves.)

CHORUS B (while Cristóvão is carrying about three people):
– Ophorus at the water’s edge
many people carried
from side to side,
leaning on his staff.
One night…very tired…
went to sleep, but suddenly
heard a distant call.

– Ophorus! Ophorus!
CHORUS B (as the scene goes on):
- He quickly answered.
But seeing no one,
went to bed again.
And for the second time,
heard a voice call.

– Ophorus! Ophorus!

CHORUS A (as the scene goes on):
- He quickly answered.
But seeing no one,
went to bed again.
And for the third time,
heard a voice call.

– Ophorus! Ophorus!

CHORUS B (as the scene goes on):
– Ophorus ran and looked
and finally found
a boy who called him.
He lifted it on his shoulders
and, leaning on his staff,
entered the raging river.

CHORUS A (as the scene goes on):
- The water rose, rose,
and Óphorus continued.
And little by little felt
how the boy weighed.
Right in the middle of the stream
thought he was already drowning.
The water was always rising,
and the boy weighed more.

- Oh boy, you're heavy.
like lead,
as if I took it over the shoulder
the very weight of the world.

– You carry more than the world.
It takes the One who created it.
Dive in the water, dive in,
for I am your King and your God,
Jesus Christ your Lord. (Forces him down and speaks solemnly)
I baptize you in the name of the Father,
of the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Before, its name was Óforo.
But having carried me,
his name is now Cristoforus.
You plant your staff
into the earth, deep down.
so it will be revealed
my absolute power.
For tomorrow your staff
will blossom and bear fruit. (The boy leaves.)

CHORUS B (while Cristóvão plants his staff, goes to sleep and then gets up):
– Cristoforo obeyed…
And as the night passed...
the miracle happened.
And then, with much love, (Christopher kneels)
Cristoforus thanked
to Christ Our Lord
the gift he bestowed on you.
(Everyone sings the song at the beginning again.)




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