Waldorf Pedagogy – summary

A summary of the main features Waldorf Pedagogy was created by the Austrian philosopher Rudolf Steiner, and the first school to use it was founded in 1919 in Stuttgart, Germany. It becomes more widespread every year, and is already adopted in about 1100 schools and 2000 Kindergartens in more than 80 countries on 5 continents. This because…

4 – The class teacher

The quality of the relationship between teacher and student by Rubens Salles In primary education in Waldorf schools, the class teacher is adopted, who accompanies the class from 1st to 8th grade and teaches the main subjects (Portuguese, mathematics, history, etc.) of the day, lasting two hours, every day.

the four temperaments

Unraveling human behavior by Rubens Salles The theory of temperaments – melancholic, choleric, sanguine, phlegmatic – that represent “spices” of human behavior, dates back to Empedocles, in ancient Greece, who related them to the four natural elements – earth, fire, air. , Water. Hippocrates called them the four humors. Later they were also studied by Kant, Wilhelm Wundt,…