5 de June de 2017

2006 – Workshop in Botucatu – SP


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Waldorf teachers from 5 municipalities participated

Projeto Dom da PalavraThe first workshop was held in Botucatu on February 19, 2006 for 14 Waldorf teachers interested in becoming trainers for the Dom da Palavra project in their respective regions.

The workshop was given by professors Cristina Maria Brigagão Abalos, Dora Regina Zorzetto Garcia and Vilma Lúcia Furtado Paschoa, both professors at Colégio Micael, in São Paulo, and trainers of the Dom da Palavra project since 2004.

The meeting took place at the Aitiara School, in the Demétria neighborhood, and the following teachers participated:

Ana Cecilia de Barros
Marisa Cristina dos Santos
Karla Christine de Figueiredo Neves
Valkyrie Cassimiro da Silva

Nely Franzolín
Angela Edinéia Barros Setin
Maria Carolina Melo
Marlene Silva Lopes
Teresa da Graca Vieira Correa

Ribeirão Preto
Rita de Cássia Sassi Affonso Juliana Costa Nahime

Capão Bonito
Karina PG Kakuta
Santino Ursulino de Oliveira

Holy Spirit of Turvo
Claudia Retz Toledo Veiga

The workshop's objectives were to prepare Botucatu teachers to act as trainers for the project, to be held from March 1, 2006 in the municipality of Espírito Santo do Turvo, and to provide subsidies and dissemination material for teachers from other municipalities to prospect opportunities to implant the Gift of the Word in their regions.

Everyone participated with great enthusiasm and optimism, and with the determination to prepare to take some of their experience with Waldorf Pedagogy to their colleagues who work in public schools.


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