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To learn about the water cycle
As Aventuras da Gotinha D'Água is a children's book that features a poem by Ruth Salles about the water cycle, based on a short story by Walther Pollatschek. The book has 40 pages illustrated in color by Mônica Stein Aguiar. This poem has been recited by children in Waldorf schools for many years, and it helps them learn about the water cycle in a playful and poetic way.
Our droplet jumped from a cloud, spoke to a bird, slipped on an umbrella, formed a puddle, entered a little hole, fed a little plant, formed a fountain, saw flowers and butterflies, formed a stream where children dived, saw many little fish , formed a great river, passed through the dam, passed through the mill, through a faucet, reached the sea, loaded a ship, entered a whale, took a lot of sun and rose again through the air; then it turned into a snowflake and fell on a mountain… This and much more told in rhymed, rhythmic and illustrated verses, which children love.
In this way, they learn about the water cycle in a playful and poetic way, and realize the intrinsic beauty of nature. As educators know, with the playful experience young children appropriate the concepts that should form their character and ethics as adults. It is the most effective and fun way to train future conscious citizens.
The book was produced using crowdfunding, supported by 279 people who purchased it in advance. See here the relationship of supporters.
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