Kingdom of Words

Letter to an Embaúba

by Pedro Paulo Salles It is part of the book “From Mulungu to Manacá”, by Ruth Salles Querida Embaúba. You are so beautiful…

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Moratim Morotim

indigenous legend told by professor Henrique José de Souza The place now known as Baixada Fluminense and the entire region…

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the sleigh in the night

poem by Christian Morgenstern translated and recreated by Ruth Salles It's exactly midnight. Two wolves come from the woods. From the woods…

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poem by Conrad Ferdinand Meyer translated and recreated by Ruth Salles Who knows, tell me, where does Dedalzinho live? There in…

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Skinny and Heavy

poem by Hedwig Diestel translated and recreated by Ruth Salles Magrelinho and Pesadão go their way; take silver in the surrão,…

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The star

poem by Ruth Salles In the four elements of the world, she tries to always be on her feet, shimmering between light and shadow, the…

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The giant

poem by Christian Morgenstern translated and recreated by Ruth Salles In the bush there is a giant who has a pay phone, and…

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White Rose and Red Rose

tale by the Brothers Grimm translated by Renate Kaufmann review by Ruth Salles A poor widow lived in a small isolated hut.…

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tale by the Brothers Grimm translated by Renate Kaufmann review by Ruth Salles Once upon a time there was a man and a woman…

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