Ruth Salles talks about the gift of writing and her work
Interview conducted at the Waldorf Rudolf Steiner School
Interview conducted at the Waldorf Rudolf Steiner School
poem by Hedwig Diestel translated and recreated by Ruth Salles Magrelinho and Pesadão go their way; take silver in the surrão,…
poem by Friedrich Theodor Vischer translated and recreated by Ruth Salles Poor Guigo clumsy! What does he do? Licked…
tale by the Brothers Grimm translated by Renate Kaufmann review by Ruth Salles A poor widow lived in a small isolated hut.…
tale by the brothers Grimm translated by Renate Kaufmann review by Ruth Salles João served his boss for seven years…
A Tale of the Brothers Grimm translated by Alda Volkmann review by Ruth Salles A rich man's wife fell ill, and…
A Tale of the Brothers Grimm Translation by Alda Volkmann Review by Ruth Salles Once upon a time there was a girl so charming that…