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poem by Friedrich Theodor Vischer translated and recreated by Ruth Salles
Poor clumsy Guigo!
What does he do?
Licked from the enchanted pot.
Who comes after?
Oh, it's Dida! And come angry
this mighty fairy.
So, the silly little dwarf,
what does he do?
He turned into a bunny.
Who comes after?
Dida is now a puppy,
wants to bite your tail.
And Guigo, to escape,
what does he do?
Turn into a fish and go swimming.
Who comes after?
An otter diving!
It is Dida who will hunt him down.
Look at Guy! He flew!
What does he do?
Goldfinch has become.
Who comes after?
A hawk has passed here!
It is Dida who attacked him.
To evade the enemy,
what does he do?
It turned into a grain of wheat.
Who comes after?
The chicken! What a danger!
Dida swallows poor Guigo.