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Play by Ruth Salles based on a legend about San Francisco
Dramatization of a legend found in the book “I Fioretti”, a precious work of primitive Italian literature, with legends related to Saint Francis of Assisi. The two choirs speak along with each character. St. Francis and the friars wear a long robe and cross. Music in pentatonic scale.
San Francisco and the Wolf of Gubbio
San Francisco
Two or three friars your brothers
The wolf
Choir (which also forms the wall and the people to whom the saint preaches)
citizens and citizens
Animals: ox, goat, sheep, dog, cat, bird
Choir that makes the swallows chirp
Everyone is inside the city, except the wolf, who may be hiding behind the wall or the chorus of swallows.
ALL (sing):
“In the city of Gubbio
Saint Francis walked,
in the city of Gubbio.
around the walls
lived a fierce wolf,
around the walls.
And all the people, in terror,
the poor servant and his lord,
the ox, the goat, the lamb,
the dog and the cat and the bird
asked God for help,
They asked God for help.”
(The wolf starts to prowl the city)
ALL (alarmed):
– What are we going to do?
- That huge wolf
eat the animals!
CITIZENS (to animals):
- Neither we nor you
must go outside!
he devours us
one at a time!
CITIZENS (to citizens):
– How much damage!
Our cattle are killed,
we are hurt.
Call the lord!
LORD (fleeing from the wolf, surreptitiously, knocks on the city gate):
– Open up, please!
I ask for protection!
ALL (amazed, after letting him in):
- You have arrived!
LORD (explaining):
- To my castle
I was coming back,
when the beast came
and was attacking me.
Against such danger
what will we do?
CITIZENS (with despair):
– What shall we do?
We have suffered a lot
and little we can.
what are we going to do
with a fierce wolf?
- But I knew that here
came to stay
the holiest man
from all over the place.
– It is the good Friar Francisco.
he comes to preach
for the crowd,
for everyone
of this region.
(Everyone heads towards St. Francis and his brothers. Swallows chirp. This excerpt from the sermon and the swallows can be removed.)
– With the swallows
flying and chirping,
nothing is heard
that he is preaching.
SAN FRANCISCO (speaks to the swallows):
- My little sisters,
I must preach
for the crowd.
be very quiet
and wait until
the end of the sermon.
CITIZENS AND CITIZENS (seeing that the swallows fell silent):
- They shut up!
What a thing! What amazement!
God blessed
this holy man!
SAN FRANCISCO (speaks to the crowd):
- Love each other,
Dear brothers.
forgive offenses
and to each other
extend your hand.
trust in the father
and hand over your mistakes
to Your heart.
our heavenly father
will forgive them. (This is the excerpt from the sermon and the swallows)
LORD (to the citizens of Gubbio):
- To such a good man,
ask on your knees.
who knows saves us
your holy advice. (everyone kneels)
- Oh good Friar Francisco,
a terrible wolf
attack outside!
We're in danger.
What to do now?
only inside the walls
we are safe.
- If we go out
of our wall,
we already prepared
for a battle!
SAN FRANCISCO (to the citizens of Gubbio):
– Settle down now.
No fear!
I will go outside
see this fierce
great evildoer.
– Oh, no, Friar Francisco!
SAN FRANCISCO (making the sign of the cross):
– Don't worry anymore.
I surrender to God.
God is my Lord.
(San Francisco goes to where the wolf is; part of the “wall” kneels, so that those inside can watch the scene)
SAN FRANCISCO (speaks to the wolf, which is baring its teeth):
- Little Wolf Brother,
don't hurt me!
It's in the name of Christ
that I'm calling you. (The wolf closes its mouth and sits at the saint's feet)
little brother wolf,
you have caused
very bad to all,
devouring men
of these surroundings
eating animals,
helpless birds,
who are your brothers,
that are creatures
of the divine Father.
you are called
of evil, of enemy,
and that actually
it is well deserved.
But I know it's hunger
that makes him attack
any creature
anywhere. (The wolf nods)
And although the people
here I hate it,
I want to see if peace
if everyone forgives
your offenses.
if you promise
don't attack us
nobody on this earth
will chase you. (The wolf lowers his head to the ground, nodding)
And I promise you
that everyone here
will give you sustenance
for life,
with good food. (The wolf lowers his head again)
little brother wolf,
if you agree
to be our friend,
the whole city
will give you shelter. (The wolf lowers his head again)
But I demand
that your promise
be real.
extend your paw
for us to firm
our treaty! (The wolf extends its paw on San Francisco's hand)
and now follow me
in the name of Christ! (The wolf follows him)
- Oh gosh! What is this?
The wolf agrees!
come following
the good Friar Francisco!
- Let's open the doors! (The doors are opened; general joy.)
- Divine miracle!
May it be blessed
our brother Francis!
- Thank God
who helped us
this holy man!
- Now, brother wolf,
promise again
who will be friend
of all these people. (The wolf extends his paw to him again)
- O wolf friend,
we will never leave
you go hungry!
ALL (sing):
“The city of Gubbio
thanked Francisco
the city of Gubbio.
As agreed,
they all took care of the wolf,
as it was arranged.
And all the people, with love,
the poor servant and his lord,
the ox, the goat, the lamb,
the dog and the cat and the bird
sang praising God,
sang praising God!”