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The city council contacted the project
Due to its success in 2004, the project, which at that time was sponsored by Associação Beneficente Tobias, was hired by the city hall in 2005.
A new class started on April 30th in Itapecerica da Serra-SP, with 30 teachers. Ten meetings were held on Saturdays, the last one being held at Escola Waldorf Micael in São Paulo. The classes were given by professors Vilma Lúcia Furtado Paschoa and Dora Regina Zorzetto Garcia, professors at Escola Waldorf Micael in São Paulo.
We also had a group that participated in 2004, and took an in-depth course on the Dom da Palavra project in 2005. There were four face-to-face meetings and a visit to Colégio Waldorf Micael, with an internship in the classroom.
The course was given by Professor Cristina Brigagão Ábalos, who also acted as a trainer for the project in 2004. Our objective was to start training future monitors for the project, in the municipality, with a focus on promoting the concepts and practices of the project as a public policy for the education. This work, however, did not continue, as there was a competition for teachers in the State of São Paulo in 2005, and a large part of the teachers from the Itapecerica da Serra network were approved and migrated to the state network.
Watch the project presentation video
“What I found most interesting in the project was learning to recognize the student as a human being, in an integrated way, creating and providing learning situations based on WANTING, FEELING AND THINKING, respecting the characteristics of each child. I'm loving it and I believe that the way to improve the quality of education is the one you have pointed out. I only have flowers to thank for the opportunity. It cost !!!"
Ruth Araujo de Oliveira
EMEF Emiliano Ferreira Domingues
“The course for me is a therapy every 15 days. I've already changed many bad habits I had and appropriated other good ones, I'm speaking more quietly and getting calmer in the face of difficulties."
Mariza Domingues
EMEF Azalea
“What I found most interesting was the issue of students receiving the content first by feeling (entering through the heart), so that later they become aware of the concept. The information transmitted has been of great importance in my practice, and I hope to receive more and more to convey this feeling of gratitude to my students.”
Marisa Pereira da Silva dos Santos
EMEF José Pereira de Borba
“What I liked most about the course was the study of temperaments, working with rhythms, and, above all, the philosophy behind it, as it has rescued in me the human dimension that is so important for carrying out our daily activities.”
Rosana Maria de Camargo
EMEF José Pereira de Borba
“I found it very interesting to know the temperaments, and how to deal with them, the rhythms in the poems, the way of internalizing contents with different practices through the poems. In fact, everything I am learning in the course has served as a light, helping me to see my student as a whole.”
Renata de Az Escobar Costa Pereira
EMEF José Pereira de Borba
“I liked the storytelling, the rhythmic exercises, the calm you convey, the touch and the look in the student's eyes, in short, everything was very interesting. Thank you, you guys are wonderful and this is a day that I'm not too lazy to get up early and go to the course. This has been the moment that has given me the most joy this year. May God bless you and you always keep it that way.”
EMEF Prof. Arthur Ricci de Camargo
“What was most productive and interesting for me was getting to know the temperaments of the students, and the psychomotricity and development activities. This course is helping me and making my work in the classroom easier. Making my attitudes change and having a new look at my students.”
Eliane R.Ap. F. da Silva Isnardi
EMEF Prof. Octacilio Martins
“Everything I'm learning in the Gift of the Word course I'm finding interesting. It is a new way of working with children. It would be very good if the supervisors and directors of the network also participated, as they would help the teachers in the execution of the tasks.”
Luciana Aparecida CN Sabino
EMEF Emiliano Ferreira Domingues
“I found it very interesting to learn about the rhythm exercises, the voice intonation and the teacher's posture. The course has been a real therapy, as I felt incapable of dealing with certain situations that I have now managed to remedy.”
Fabiana Lupriano
EMEF Azalea
“I felt a lot of security in the trainers, they are well prepared and convey a lot of affection and respect for all of us. They make us feel important.”
Vilma Machado Silva
EMEF Azalea