the two little squirrels

Tale by Juliana Retz T. Veiga – video Story told by the 2nd year teacher – 2009, Juliana Retz T. Veiga, at Escola Waldorf Aitiara, in Botucatu – SP. It talks about two squirrels, from the older brother who used to abuse the younger brother, and suffered the consequences, taking a big scare. Featured Image: Chalkboard drawing…

The bunny and the cocoa tree

Story by Ruth Salles Of how a bunny, and other animals, made chocolate eggs for Jesus…at Easter! Image: Professor Ana Maria, from Escola Sabiá, presents a table theater with the story 'The little rabbit and the cocoa tree'. At the time when Jesus, the Son of God, was still here on earth, he was found…

Saint Peter, the rich and the poor

Conto de tradição oral coletado por Ruth Salles Certa vez, num dia em que São Pedro viera até à terra ver como andavam os homens, encontrou-se com um pobre e um rico que se queixavam da vida amargamente. O pobre se queixava daquilo que não tinha, e o rico daquilo que ainda queria ter.