August 24, 2017

The rook and the doves


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Aesop's fable

It came to the ears of a rook that in a certain dovecote, copiously fed, some doves lived. Then he painted himself white, to disguise himself, and got in between them as if he belonged to the gang.

The doves did not recognize the intruder until she opened her beak, but one day, when she forgot her role and screamed like a rook that she was, the doves, by force of pecking, expelled her from the loft.

She then returned, very distressed, to the church tower, where she had lived until the day she decided to disguise herself. But then, her old companions didn't recognize her under that white plumage either, and they also kicked her out of her shelter. Thus, the poor jackdaw was abandoned by everyone and without a shelter.


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