A Flauta do Rei Baltasar

Conto de María Jezabel Pastor Compartilhado por Ideas Waldorf Desenho de Astrid Weissenborn   Muitos, muitos anos atrás… quando os Reis ainda eram sábios e liam nas estrelas, aconteceu algo sobre o qual vou falar agora. Aqueles eram os tempos em que os três reis magos do Oriente tinham ido a Belém para adorar a…

Lisa, gazing at the stars

poem by Mathias Claudius translated and recreated by Ruth Salles blackboard drawing by teacher Verônica Calandra Martins. Long after night has fallen and the house is asleep and my work is done, I look up at the starry sky. I look at the stars spread out like sheep in the meadow, or like pearls on a delicate string. twinkle…

Johnny Apple Seed

Unknown author – legend of the North American colonized drawing by Verônica Calandra Martins . Once upon a time, there was a boy named Joãozinho, he liked to eat apples and was very happy to see the little brown and shiny seeds that slept inside. One day his mother told him that each one of those little seeds could transform…

blessing of the house

poem by Jakob Streit translated and recreated by Ruth Salles blackboard drawing by teacher Beatriz Retz. May the house now built not be consumed in fire! Let there be no floods on your side, and the lightning be deflected. May a good spirit be there and protect it from dangers! May God bless you abundantly…


poem by Christina G. Rossetti translated and recreated by Ruth Salles drawing of a 5th year student at Colégio Waldorf Micael Que é cor-derosa? The rose, so beautiful and so fragrant. What is red? The poppy, with sequin glitter! What is blue? It is the sky, which uses the cloud as a veil.