Father's Testimony – Escola Cacau
Testimony of Érico Nardo, father of a student at Escola Cacau, in Bragança Paulista SP.
Testimony of Érico Nardo, father of a student at Escola Cacau, in Bragança Paulista SP.
a fable by Luis Henrique Sant'Anna* teacher at the Waldorf Flor do Ipê School, in Três Corações, MG Once upon a time, there was a tree that grew up on top of a hill. And it grew quickly, very quickly and opened up a big canopy. Because it grows so fast, with such a large canopy, no other tree has managed to grow close…
Adaptado para o 5º ano por Ruth Salles, do livro de Ronaldo Brito e Assis Lima – Músicas de Isabel Lüders – ilustração de Verônica Calandra Martins Se este musical contar com a participação de alunos mais velhos, um deles deve ser o palhaço Mateus, e os outros devem constituir a metade do coro que…
MUITO LINDO! Não deixe de assistir!! Um olhar sensível para a maneira com que a Pedagogia Waldorf valoriza o brincar espontâneo em seus Jardins de infância.
Testimony by Rodrigo Azevedo Rodrigues, father of a student at Escola Waldorf São Paulo.
Text by Cristina M. Brigagão Ábalos. Rhythmic activities are indicated to do with students at the beginning of classes. It's a time when everyone exercises together, in tune and doing the same thing. It's very different than arriving in class and starting to say "hey boy, be quiet, go to yours...
A beautiful video of the crafts day at the Waldorf School Alicante – Spain
Teacher Gabriela Cordoeira's 2nd year class presents poems by Cecília Meireles with music – 2018. (Highlight on home with blackboard drawing by teacher Verônica Calandra Martins)
Presentation made by the 2nd year students of Escola Waldorf Municipal Cecília Meireles, by teacher Gabriela Cordoeira – 2018. (Highlight on the home page with a blackboard drawing by teacher Beatriz Retz)
EMEB Manoel Aníbal Marcondes, better known as Quintal do Aníbal, is a municipal day care center inspired by Waldorf Pedagogy.
A Cacau é uma escola associativa, sem fins lucrativos. Gerida por pais e mães que formam a Associação Cacau, em conjunto com o corpo pedagógico, proporcionam a educação inspirada na Pedagogia Waldorf