The Judgment Room

peça de Ruth Salles Peça adaptada do escocês Pelham Moffat. O autor explica que os egípcios acreditavam que, depois da morte, a alma era julgada pelos deuses na Sala do Julgamento: seu coração era posto num dos pratos da balança e, no outro, a Pena da Verdade. Se os pesos se igualassem, a alma podia…

Akhenaten (Egyptian Dynasty)

peça de Ruth Salles Esta é uma adaptação da peça “Da Dinastia Egípcia”, de Wilma Schuvadener, traduzida pela professora Gisela Bremberger. Ela trata de um período inédito na história do Egito, em que um faraó dissidente tenta cultuar o deus Áton (o “disco solar”), em lugar de Amon e de outros deuses, e acaba sendo…


play by Ruth Salles This play is based on the book “Krishna” by Edouard Schuré¹, containing some phrases from the same, which are in quotation marks. The last phrases of the play are taken from the Hindu chant Bhagavad Gîtâ², an episode of the great and ancient epic “Mahabharârata”. These phrases are from verses 8 and 9 of chapter VII, and from…

The Four Sons of Brahma

play by Ruth Salles This short play was based on the narrative “The Formation of Castes”, found in the book Mythology of India¹. The musical theme is that of an ancient Brahmin prayer collected in South India, and it is the same used at the beginning of the play “Krishna”. The lyrics are an adapted version of an invocation to…


piece by Ruth Salles This piece is mainly based on a collage of excerpts from the poems “Brasil” and “Europeu”, by the Brazilian poet Ronald de Carvalho¹, and was made from the study of Geography, or rather, to illustrate this matter. Ronald de Carvalho, despite always being focused on European culture, when he joined the Movement…

The Mystery of the Old Mongo

play by Ruth Salles This play is based on a homonymous narrative by my uncle, the history teacher João Baptista de Mello e Souza¹, in his book Histórias do Rio Paraíba. In this narrative, which is part of his childhood memories, the author takes from oblivion the singular figure of Vutir, the puri cacique who brings…