The three little men in the forest

Tale by the Brothers Grimm, translated by Ruth Salles and Renate Kaufmann. There was a man whose wife had died, and a woman whose husband had died; and the man had a daughter, and the woman had a daughter too. The girls got to know each other, went for a walk together and later arrived at the woman's house. This one said…

the seven crows

Tale by the Brothers Grimm, translated by Ruth Salles and Renate Kaufmann. Once upon a time there was a man who had seven children, but as much as he wanted, not a single daughter. At last, again his wife informed him of the forthcoming arrival of a child; and when she came into the world she was really a girl. It was great...

the crystal ball

A Tale of the Brothers Grimm, translated by Ruth Salles and Renate Kaufmann. Once upon a time there was a sorceress who had three children who loved each other fraternally; the old woman, however, did not trust them, thinking that they wanted to rob her of her power. He then transformed the eldest into an eagle, who had to go live on top of a rocky mountain; and,…

the queen of bees

Conto dos irmãos Grimm, traduzido por Ruth Salles Certa vez, dois filhos de rei saíram em busca de aventuras e se entregaram a uma vida tão desregrada e dissoluta que nem se lembravam de voltar para casa. O mais moço, que era chamado de Bobo, saiu à procura de seus irmãos; quando finalmente os achou,…

A play about numbers

Matemática – peça de Ernst Bühler para crianças de 7 anos Nesta peça de Ernst Bühler (Suíça), traduzida do inglês e adaptada por Ruth Salles, as crianças aprendem os números a partir do 1, estando todos os outros números incluídos no 1, no uno como um todo. Leia as orientações pedagógicas.

the sweet porridge

Conto dos irmãos Grimm, traduzido por Ruth Salles Era uma vez uma menina pobre e piedosa que morava com sua mãe, e as duas já não tinham mais nada para comer. Então a menina foi à floresta. Estando lá, veio ao seu encontro uma velha que sabia de sua miséria.