April 1, 2020

Puss in Boots


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This play, for 1st year, was made based on a short story that is part of the collection of Brothers Jakob and Wilhelm Grimm, and according to the version of the Russian translator and writer Tatiana Belinky, living in Brazil since she was 10 years old. This collection by the Brothers Grimm dates from the late 18th and early 19th centuries. But several of Grimm's tales, such as Puss in Boots, Little Red Riding Hood, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, are part of the collection written by Charles Perrault in the 17th century, that is, a hundred years earlier, with stories heard from his mother, nannies and peasants, and which he collected under the name “Tales of my Mother Goose”. These tales were told as folklore in various countries. Reading both versions of Puss in Boots, it seemed to me that the only difference is that the Brothers Grimm Cat tells the king that his master is an earl, and Perrault's Cat says he is the Marquis of Carabas. Despite following the translation made of the Grimm's tale, I preferred to call the cat's master the Marquis of Carabás, as a simple tribute to Charles Perrault.

Ruth Salles

The first three stanzas must be sung, because after all such an ancient story deserves a song.

As a 1st year play, the characters are a choir, from which the various students who act in front come out.

Two or more children, one behind the other, raising their arms to the side (now the right one goes up, the left goes down, and vice versa), can represent the windmill. The donkey can also be represented by a child with small baskets (jacás) on his shoulders. The cat, when in front, must first walk on all fours, then stand up like Puss in Boots. Depending on the number of students, several characters will be repeated. If the sorcerer can turn into a lion with a mask, and then equally as a mouse, it would be funny. So we then have the following:

Tony, Mill; Benedict, Donkey; John, Puss in Boots; two Partridges, Sentinel, King, Princess Mary; Sorcerer, Representatives of the Sorcerer's People.


(Children who leave the Choir to act in front, speaking together, must make movements that express well what they represent.)

CHORUS (with everyone singing):
“Our father was a good miller
that had a windmill.
Grind the wheat all the time
and then he called the donkey.

In the jacás of your yoke,
the donkey carried the grain,
that was sold there in the valley
for those who made the bread.

And to ward off any mouse
who liked to get in the way,
in the mill there was a cat,
and the mouse was his dinner.”

(The rest is only spoken, along with the Choir, by those in the front.)

CHORUS (in front Toninho and Moinho; Bento and Donkey; João and the Cat):
“But now we are alone.
I, Toninho, inherited the Mill.”

“I, Bento, won the Donkey.
And the Cat stayed for João,
for our brother is a fool.”

“I'm John! What a situation!
What good is having a Cat?
Well if I drown you in the stream,
with your skin I warm my hands.”

"No! For a Cat, the skin is needed!
Give me a cloak and some high boots,
a hat and a bag. And you, John,
Go see what I'll do then!

CHORUS (in front, the Cat, already dressed and all important, standing, and then the Partridges):
So it was done. and the friend cat
came out with a sack full of wheat,
for I knew that the king of the country
loved to eat partridge.

Two partridges, nearby,
seeing the open sack of wheat,
They entered it very happy.
And the Cat caught the partridges.

CHORUS (Cat, Sentinel and King in front):
The Cat arrives at the royal palace,
takes off his hat in a cordial gesture
and says to the sentry: “Here I am!
I'm Puss in Boots. I have come to speak to the king!”

The sentry shouts: “What contempt!
This madman is nothing but a cat!”

Says the Cat to the King who is behind him: (bows down and bows with his hat)
“Your Majesty, I am very pleased to bring you these two partridges. (shows the bag)
The Marquis of Carabás is in charge,
my dear master, with much affection.”

CHORUS (Puss in Boots, the King and John in front):
The King, happy, went to his treasury,
took out a lot of gold
and actually filled the Cat's bag.

Poor John didn't even believe
seeing how much gold the Cat gave him.

CHORUS (in front of Puss in Boots, John the King and Princess Mary):
Puss in Boots, the other day,
learned that the King and his daughter Maria
on the edge of the lake they went for a walk.
He called his master and began to speak:
“If you really want to be a marquis,
take off your old clothes and dive into the lake.
I will stop Your Majesty,
and you will see what I bring you.”

(John takes off his coat and shirt and makes a gesture of diving and swimming):

The Cat says to the King: “Help!
My master, the Marquis of Carabas,
plunged into the lake, and a thief – back! –
stole your clothes and disappeared for good.
And now what will the Marquis wear?”

CHORUS (Puss in Boots, John, King, Princess and Representatives of the People in front):
The King, with his royalty,
gave the marquis a royal attire. (John gets dressed)
The marquis then saw the princess
of unparalleled beauty.
The three were very happy.

Puss in Boots ran ahead
and asked: “Who owns
of those lands and the castle?”
The People respond: “Oh this owner
it is our greatest scourge;
is an evil sorcerer,
that turns into an animal if provoked.”

CHORUS (in front, Puss in Boots, the sorcerer, people, King and Princess)
Puss in Boots went to the castle
and provoked the Sorcerer,
who turned into a treacherous lion.
What a fright! the cat jumped,
but he said with all courage:
“Well, a big animal is no advantage!
I want to see a very small animal!”
The Sorcerer waved
and, with that magic, he became a mouse,
which was soon eaten by the Cat!
Puss in Boots, very mischievous,
said to the people, “The sorcerer is finished,
thanks to the Marquis of Carabas!
Everyone here will live in peace!”
The King was so impressed
who married the Marquis to the Princess
and gave the two that kingdom.

CHORUS (with everyone):
"Alive! Long live Puss in Boots
who helped his love John
to be the king of the new nation!
The friendly cat became the main butler
in the kingdom of John, the good boy.
So to this day this ancient tale
so much joy still brings us!”




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