The Prince and the Beggar


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play by Mark Twain 

Theater adaptation by Ruth Salles


This play is based on the eponymous work by American writer Mark Twain on the legend surrounding the story of King Edward VI of England. Edward VI, who lived in the 16th century, died very young, having reigned for only 6 years. His sister Maria Túdor reigned next, but died after 5 years, when Queen Elisabeth ascended the throne.

As in Dickens' "Christmas Carol", I tried to convey Mark Twain's style in the Introduction, even trying to keep his words in the passages spoken by the Author and the Narrator. The play has many characters; because of this, several students can play more than one role, as the situations are quite varied, with short speeches and a lot of movement. The choice of these dual performances is at the discretion of the teacher, but I make some suggestions. As for the music, I adapted Portuguese lyrics to English music from the Elizabethan century.

Ruth Salles



The author (may later be the Archbishop of Canterbury)
The narrator (may later be the 1st Abbey Guard)
Thomas Canty, the beggar
João Canty, his father
Beth, your sister
Nina, your sister
Thomas' mother
Father André (may later be the 2nd Guard of the Abbey)
Street boys:
Cat (maybe later the beggar Owl)
Bob (maybe later the Boss of the beggars)
Shuttlecock (maybe later the beggar Dick Pata-Choca)
1st Thames Boatman (may later be Hugo Hendon's 1st Servant)
2nd Thames Boatman (may later be Hugo's 2nd Servant)
Asylum boys:
Lead boy (may be later Hugo Hendon)
Joking boy (maybe old José later)
Another boy (maybe Hugo's guard later)
boss of the rabble
Dick Pata-Choca
Rat (may later be Lady Edith)
Maria Fuleira (maybe later Rebeca, the wife of Hugo's jailer)
Woman with the wrapped piglet (maybe Maria Rosa later)
Your companion (may later be the Boy son of nobles)
Edward, Prince of Wales
King Henry VIII, his father
Lady Elisabeth, her sister
Lady Jane, your cousin
Earl of Hertford, your uncle
Lord Saint John
Lord Chancellor
Duke of Norfolk
Palace Gate Sentinel
Page (may later be the Duke of Norfolk)
messenger officer
King's secretary
Archbishop of Canterbury
1st Guard of the Abbey
2nd Guard of the Abbey
doomed woman
your little girl
Mario Hendon
Hugo Hendon, his brother
Lady Edith, your cousin
Hugo's Guard
Hugo's 1st Servant
Hugo's 2nd Servant
Rebecca, old nanny, wife of Hugo's jailer
old joseph
boy son of nobles
Maria Rosa, your friend



The author and the narrator; King Henry VIII and the people; Tomás Canty's mother.

Light only on the proscenium, where the author and narrator speak. Afterwards, the whole scene clears up, when the narrator shows two frames, one on the left, one on the right.


AUTHOR: – I intend to write a story, as told to me by someone who heard it from his father, a story that has been passed from generation to generation, for more than three hundred years, and that has been preserved and transmitted. Maybe it's true, maybe it's just a legend. No wonder that sages and scholars considered it to be true, and that simple and ignorant people prized it and gave it credence. (leaves.)

NARRATOR: - In the old city of London, on a certain autumn day in the sixteenth century, a child was born to a poor family named Canty, whose father did not want him. On the same day, another child came into the world, to a wealthy family named Túdor, whose father desired him. All England wanted her, too, and now that she was here, the people were almost mad with delight.

(The scene on the left lights up. At the gates of the royal palace, people sing and cheer for the newborn. King Henry VIII appears on a balcony.)

PEOPLE (sings):
“Come all sing! Our prince was born!
Here is the king saluting the son he has given us.
How much good will God do us when he is king!
Come all to know, and to all I will tell!”

PEOPLE: – Long live King Henry VIII of England!

ANOTHER PEOPLE: – Long live Edward Túdor, Prince of Wales!

ALL THE PEOPLE: – Long live!

(This darkens, and the scene to the right lights up. It's the Canty shack.)

MOTHER (sings, rocking a baby):
“Oh, sleep, sleep, my baby…
It doesn't even have a crib.
So poor, my Thomas
is the blessing that God brings me.”

(The entire scene darkens, to indicate the passage of time.)



Scene 1

Tomás Canty, Father André; Gato, Bob, Shuttlecock and Chica; João Canty and daughters Beth and Nina.

The scene takes place in Beco do Lixo. On one side, João Canty's hovel. In a hidden corner further down, Father André teaches Tomás to read. The four boys from the street enter, who start acting as narrators of the scene.

CAT (likes to walk balancing himself in higher places):
– This is Garbage Alley.
Dirty, crooked streets,
ugly skeleton houses,
blue or black,
of monstrous facades.

– The second floor collapses in front of the first.
There is no mention of the third,
a collapsed hole,
where a bunch of people live,
piled up like a tremolo.

PETECA (always jumping to get warm, hence the nickname):
– João Canty is the king here.
More steals than begging.
And the woman only consoles herself
with her three children.
Beth, Nina and a nice guy,
who is our friend Thomas.

– Thomas, when he can, hides from his father and, tiptoe,
will learn to write and read with Father André.
The priest tells him stories of dwarves, giants and fairies,
of dazzling princes and enchanted castles…
There he comes!

ALL FOUR: – Thomas!

(Tomás approaches, running, and with him are sisters Beth and Nina.)

CHICA: - Beth! Nina!

BETH and NINA: – Chica!

TOMAS (clapping his hands and putting a rag behind his back as a cloak): – Attention! The court is assembled. The hearing will begin. Who has something to demand? Lord Cat, come forward!

CAT: – Your Majesty! You can no longer swim in the Thames. It's dirty as hell!

THOMAS: – Stop there! Fold your tongue before the king. No “damn it! First of all: to the Thames one goes not only to swim, but to bathe and be clean, as befits a lord. Second: I'll provide a giant sieve, to take the rubbish out of the river pe-ri-o-di-ca-mente (slowly and with difficulty). Now, let Squire Bob approach. What do you have to declare?

BOB: – I got the biggest cane from a well-dressed man just because I tripped over him, and I heard some shameless thief swearing, etc. I didn't even ask for alms...

TOMAS (to imaginary guards): – Guards! Bring that man immediately! Let him be condemned to spend a week in Garbage Alley, without being able to change his clothes or bathe in the Thames. But, squire, the word "curse" doesn't fit in a king's audience. Chamberlain Peteca! Stop jumping around and say what you have to say!

PETECA: – My father is furious with my jumping and today he gave me a couple of slaps, which made me blush as if I had been in the sun.

TOMAS: – Well, I order him to be forced to wear padded gloves from now on! Court ladies!

CHICA (aside from Beth): – They say he's crazy, but for me he's a wise man.

BETH: It's Father André who puts these ideas of cleanliness and good words into his head.

TOMAS: – Ladies of the court, silence!

NINA (already running away): – Here comes Daddy!

JOÃO CANTY (enters): – Bunch of lazybones! Go to the street to beg for alms! And don't come back to me empty-handed, even if you have to relieve someone's pocket on the sly. Do like me! Otherwise you'll hear my belt hum behind your back!

(The children disperse with João Canty behind them.)


scene 2

Prince Edward, sentinel at the palace gates, page; Tomas, Chica; messenger officer, King Henry VIII, courtiers (Earl of Hertford, Lord St. John, Lord Chancellor, Lady Elisabeth, Lady Jane).

In front of the palace railing. Prince Edward can be seen in the garden, on the left, playing ball. In the center, the environment of the prince's office, with table, chairs, bookcase and a mirror. On the right, the throne room.

TOMAS (approaches the railing dreamily): – I have yet to see a real prince or king. I am sure. Guys, where is this place? (looks back) I'm a long way from home. (looks ahead again) What a huge house! (comes to the railing) What a well-dressed boy! Is this the king's palace? Is that Prince Edward? (peeks through the grate) Yes, yes! Can be!

CHICA (who had followed him, speaks to herself): – What does Thomas want, looking at the king's palace? I think I'll stay here and wait for him. (sits on the street)

SENTINEL AT THE PALACE GATES (grabs Tomás, throwing him in a pirouette, in the middle of the street): – What manners are these, scoundrel? Don't you dare approach the king's palace, beggar for nothing!

PRINCE EDWARD (runs to Tomás' defense): – Sentinel! Why are you mistreating that poor boy? How dare you throw a subject of the king my father to the ground, even if he is the most miserable? Well, open the gates and let him in! (The sentry opens the gates and Thomas enters.)

CHICA (gets up and says to herself): – Guys! Oh my God! He's in!

(Chica runs away. Tomás goes straight to the prince and shakes his hand.)

EDUARDO: – You look tired and hungry. On top of that, he was mistreated. Come with me to my office.

(The two go to the study. At the prince's gesture, a page brings Tomás a snack and leaves.)

TOMAS: – Is this for eating? I've never seen anything like it.

EDUARDO: – Eat, eat! (pause for Tomás to bite and chew) What's your name, boy?

TOMAS (swallowing): – Tomás Canty, to serve you, sir. (takes the 2nd bite)

EDUARDO (slowly, while Tomás chews): – What an extravagant name… Where do you live?

TOMAS (after swallowing): – Far away, sir. In Garbage Alley. (takes 3rd bite)

EDUARDO (while Tomás chews and swallows): – Beco do Lixo? Another weird name. You have parents?

TOMAS: – I have, sir, and two twin sisters, Beth and Nina.

EDUARDO: – I have a sister, Lady Elisabeth, and a cousin, Lady Jane, who is always frowning. (gets up from chair and looks around) Tell me something. Do your sisters forbid their ruler to smile, because it is a sin that will cause her soul to be lost?

THOMAS: – Ruler? So you think my sisters have a ruler?

EDUARDO: – And why not? Who helps them out of their clothes when they go to bed, and who puts them on in the morning?

TOMAS (looks at the glass): – No one, sir. So should they sleep without clothes, like animals? (takes the cup and drinks)

EDUARDO: – No clothes? But then they have only one outfit?

TOMAS: Ah, my good lord, what would you do with two clothes if they have only one body?

EDUARDO (sitting down again while Tomás takes another sip): – All this is surprising, but I will see to it that your sisters have a ruler. (James takes a third sip) You speak correctly. Are you educated?

TOMAS: – Well, Father André is very good and has taught me with his books. I even know a little Latin.

EDUARDO: – Greek is even more difficult. But what is life like in Beco do Lixo? fun?

TOMAS (finishing a drink): – Quite a lot, when we're not hungry. We have puppets, trained monkeys…

EDUARDO (interested): – What else?

TOMAS: – Sometimes we learn to fight with sticks, we race…

EDUARDO (enjoying): – It's really fun!

TOMAS: – We roll in the mud, we swim in the Thames, we dive, we scream…

EDUARDO (dreamily): – Ah… I would give my father's kingdom to experience all this, even just once! Oh, if only I could wear your clothes, go barefoot and roll in the mud without anyone forbidding me…

TOMAS: – And I wanted to dress like you, if only once.

EDUARDO: – Well, it's agreed. Let's change clothes.

(The two change clothes behind a mirror, then reappear, look at each other in the mirror, and laugh, noticing their own resemblance.)

EDUARDO: – Look how similar we are! You have my hair, my eyes, my posture, my features… If we were naked, no one would be able to distinguish between Thomas and the Prince of Wales. But… (notices Tomás' hand) his hand is hurt… It was the sentry's brutality!

THOMAS: – It's nothing. I'm used to it.

EDUARDO: – No, it is not like that. Wait for me here until I get back. It's an order!

(The prince goes out, but first he picks up an object and puts it behind the books on a shelf. Thomas notices this gesture. Then the prince goes to the gates.)

EDUARDO: – Open the gates, sentry!

SENTINEL (opens the gates and brutally pushes Eduardo out): – Here, filthy beggar. Because of you I was reprimanded by His Highness!

EDWARD (rising): I am the Prince of Wales, and my person is sacred. You will be hanged for raising your hand against me!

WATCHTOWER (ironically): – Salute Your Gracious Highness… (shoves him again) Away from here, filthy beggar!

(The sentry closes the gates. Eduardo walks away down the street.)

TOMAS (anxious, in the office): – The prince is taking so long…

(The page enters, who bows to Thomas.)

TOMAS (to himself): – Oh, they're making fun of me. They will denounce me and sentence me to death!

PAJEM (announcing, after bowing): — Lady Jane, sir.

LADY JANE (seeing Thomas's frightened appearance): - Is it not well, my lord? What are you feeling?

THOMAS: – Mercy! I am not lord! I'm poor Tomás Canty, from Beco do Lixo, a suburb of the city. Please take me to the prince, so that he, who is so good, will return my rags and let me go safe and sound. (kneeling) Oh, for pity's sake, save me!

LADY JANE (horrified): Oh, my lord, on your knees before me?

(She flees and enters the throne room, where she speaks quietly to the Earl of Hertford, Lord Saint John, and Lord Chancellor. There is a buzz in the room. reclining, as he is very ill. The king writes an order and gives it to a messenger official.)

MESSENGER OFFICER (reading aloud): – In the name of the king! Let no one, under pain of death, give credence to these false and senseless rumours, or comment on or spread them. In the name of the King!

(The humming ceases. Thomas, followed by the page, enters the throne room.)

LADY JANE: – The prince! Here comes the prince! He has entered and approaches the king!

KING (nodding to Thomas, who comes closer to the throne): – How are you now, my lord Edward, my prince? With such a sad joke, did you think that you would deceive the king your father, who loves you so well and is so good to you?

THOMAS: – King? (puts one knee to the ground) So you are the king? I'm lost!

KING: Oh, you are not well at all. Don't you recognize your father? Come on, tell me you recognize me, that you know who I am!

THOMAS: Yes, yes, Your Majesty is my august sovereign and king, whom God preserves!

KING: Ah, you are better now. That bad dream passed, didn't it? You don't believe you're someone else, as they say, do you?

TOMAS (gets up): – Please believe me. I am the most insignificant of your subjects and of poor birth. It is accidentally that I find myself here, but it is not my fault. I'm too young to die. A word from you can save me!

KING (rises): — Well, don't say such a thing, sweet prince. You will not die.

TOMAS (to the courtiers): – I will not die, do you hear? So can I leave?

KING: – To where?

TOMAS (with one knee on the floor again): – To the hovel where I was born and where my mother and sisters live. Oh, let me go!

KING (lifts Tomás by the shoulders and hugs him): – Oh, my poor son… Rest your sick head on your father's heart. You will get better soon. (turns to courtiers): – Listen everyone! My son is mad, but not forever, and he is heir to the throne of England. Crazy or not, he will reign! (falls down on the throne) Ah, this sadness has shaken me. Give me water. (The page approaches with the cup) Hold the cup. So… (calls): – My lord Hertford!

HERTFORD: Yes, Your Majesty?

KING (holds his arm): – I want the judgment of Norfolk before the next sunrise. He must die. (to Thomas): – My son, hug me. So I'm not your father?

TOMAS: – Your Majesty is generous to me, but I am sad to know that someone is going to be killed…

KING: Ah, you really are my Edward. Your heart hasn't changed. But this duke is contrary to his privileges and must die. Don't tire your head with these matters.

TOMAS: But then, am I the cause of his death?

KING: Don't mind that. Go with your uncle, the Earl of Hertford. Go have fun, go, I need to rest.

TOMAS (with himself, facing the audience): – I don't want that, my God. Let a man die because of me. The Duke of Norfolk… No, what terrible things happen here…

(Thomas, dejected, goes back with the Earl of Hertford to the study, where he sits down.)

TOMAS (to Hertford): – Sit down. (the Count remains standing) Please sit down.

HERTFORD: Don't insist, my prince. In your presence, I cannot sit. Listen now, Lord Saint John, who is coming in.

LORD SAINT JOHN (to THOMAS): His Majesty bids the prince deign to conceal his illness until it passes. Thus, he will not deny anyone that he is the true prince and heir to the crown of England and he will accept the honors that are due him. For any forgetfulness, you must consult the Earl of Hertford or me, Lord St. John.

TOMAS (a little discouraged, as if with no way out): – The king has spoken, and no one can go against his orders. He will be obeyed.

PAGE (announcing): – Lady Elisabeth and Lady Jane! (He leaves)

HERTFORD (aside, to the two who enter): – Princesses, I ask you to appear not to notice your extravagances and forgetfulness. (he leaves, with Lord Saint-John)

LADY JANE (to Tomás): – I hear you're going to interrupt your studies and just have fun. What a pity!

LADY ELISABETH: – It is a matter of patience. This is for a little while. Soon he will be as cultured as his father, who speaks many languages.

TOMAS (forgetting the recommendations): – My father?! I swear he speaks your language like a pig grunts in a pigsty, and as for knowing anything… (hits head) Ah, again that disease strikes me. It did not occur to me to be unkind to my sovereign.

LADY ELISABETH (takes her hands, solicitously): - We know it well, Your Highness, it's not your fault. Now, let's let him rest.

(The two leave. Thomas then takes the object that the real prince had hidden behind the books on a shelf and begins to crack nuts with it and eat them. Meanwhile, in the throne room...)

KING (to Lord Chancellor): – Come closer, Lord Chancellor. My pulse weakens, and my end must be near. But the Duke of Norfolk must die before I do. Due to my weakness, I will not be able to personally seal the execution order, alas…

LORD CHANCELLER: And what does Your Majesty decide?

KING: - I will send my great seal, for a chosen lord to seal this order. Quickly, Lord Chancellor, bring my seal.

LORD CHANCELLER: - Allow me to remind you that, days ago, Your Majesty entrusted it to His Highness the Prince of Wales, to guard it until...

KING (interrupts him): – Exactly, that was it. Go get it from him.

(The Lord Chancellor goes to the prince's office. Thomas has already put the object back in the same place.)

LORD CHANCELER: Your Highness, Your Majesty sends for the royal seal.

TOMAS: – Royal seal? But I… I don't know… that is… I don't remember… (disguising, with his hand on his head) The head doesn't help me again…

LORD CHANCELLER (after running to the throne room): – Your Majesty, unfortunately Your Highness does not remember the seal.

KING: Oh, leave my poor son alone, leave him alone. (looking at the lord who is still kneeling on the ground) What? Still here? Your head will also be in danger if you don't finish off that traitor!

LORD CHANCELER: Pardon, Your Majesty, but without the seal...

KING: And then don't you see that we still have the little signet of my ring? It's in the treasury. Go, run! And may the Duke of Norfolk be executed tomorrow!


scene 3

Prince Edward; three boys from the asylum; Father André, João Canty, his wife, daughters Beth and Nina, their little friend Chica; a neighbor.

On the left, facade of the home for the abandoned. To the right, Beco do Lixo. Three boys from the asylum are on the street. Edward appears.


EDUARDO (to himself): – Ah… This is the convent that my father took from the Franciscans and turned into an asylum for abandoned children. They will enjoy doing a service to the son of such a generous king. (addresses the boys): – Good boys, go tell your master that Edward, Prince of Wales, wishes to speak to him.

BOY LEADER (while the others laugh): – By chance, beggar, are you His Majesty's messenger?

EDUARDO (lifts his head, puts his hand at his side, as if pulling a sword, while the others put their hands on their waists): – I am the prince! And you, who live on my father's king's charity, have no right to speak to me like that.

JOKY BOY: – Did you notice? He imagines he has a sword, as if he were a real prince! (more laughter)

BOY LEADER (yells at the others, as if reprimanding them): – Come on, swine, slaves of this graceful prince's father! What are these modes? On your knees! Revere his august person and his august rags! (more laughter; everyone drops to one knee with exaggerated gestures)

EDUARDO (furious, he knocks the leader to the ground): – You can be sure that tomorrow I will have you punished!

(The boys rush towards him, throw him to the ground, and run away at the sound of the asylum's bell.)

EDUARDO (rising with difficulty): - When I am king, these poor asylum seekers will not only have bed and food, but also teachers and books. What's the point of having a full stomach when your heart and head are empty? I will forever remember what I went through today, so my people can benefit from it.

(It gets dark. The prince is walking slowly, when João Canty appears, half drunk and with a staff in his hand, who grabs him by the collar.)

JOÃO CANTY: – On the street, at this time of night? I bet you didn't even get a measly coin! In that case, I'll give him a beating, or my name isn't João Canty!

EDUARDO (gets rid of his hands): – João Canty? So you're his father? May heaven be praised, for you will pick it up and take me home!

JOÃO CANTY: – His father? What do you mean by that? All I know is that I'm your father, and I'm going to prove it soon!

EDUARDO: – Don't mock, don't argue and don't delay! I'm tired, bruised, I can barely stand. Take me to my father's king's house, and he will make you rich, richer than you can imagine. I am, I'm telling you, the Prince of Wales!

JOÃO CANTY (steps back, startled and shakes his head): – He's crazier than any madman in an asylum… (grabs him by the collar again) Crazy or not, he's going to get beaten up, or I'm not a real man!

EDUARDO (screams as he is dragged): – Let go of me! Let go of me!

FATHER ANDRÉ (appears in the street): – Don't do that to the poor boy! Drop it!

(João Canty punches the priest, who falls and lies on the floor. He enters the house with Eduardo and addresses his wife, daughters and little friend Chica.)

JOÃO CANTY: – Don't move! Let's watch a beautiful comedy. Now, boy, tell them who you are!

EDUARDO (haughtily): - Only a rude man like you orders me to speak. For I say now as I have said before: I am Edward, Prince of Wales.

(João Canty bursts out laughing, while Tomás' mother and sisters surround the prince in dismay.)

BETH: Oh, little brother, don't be like that!

NINA: – Tomás, Tomás, what did you get?

CHICA (looking from afar): – But he's not… Tomás! (covers mouth with hand)

JOÃO CANTY: – What did you say there, insufferable girl?

CHICA (scared, sneaks close to the door): – Nothing, no, sir!

MOTHER OF TOMAS (hugs him): – My poor son, it was the extravagant readings that upset his judgment. Ah, you are torturing your mother's heart! But… where is the stain you had on this hand?…!

EDUARDO (comforting her): – Your son is fine. He hasn't lost his mind, good woman. Calm down. Take me to the palace, which is where he is, and immediately the king my father will return him.

MOTHER OF TOMAS: – The king, your father? Oh, my son, don't say any of that, you may be put to death. Forget that terrible dream. Oh...

JOÃO CANTY (pulls on his belt): – You can let him forget everything right now, thanks to the strength of my arm.

(Tomas's mother and sisters protect Eduardo, but he breaks free of them.)

EDUARDO: – I don't allow them to suffer in my place. Let that swine satisfy its fury on me alone.

JOÃO CANTY (when he heard loud knocks on the door): – Who is it at this time of night? Come in and say what you want.

NEIGHBOR (entering): — Did you know that you killed a man with a blow, just now?

JOÃO CANTY (still with his belt in his hand): – It doesn't matter if I killed or not. Is it just?

NEIGHBOR: - You'll change your tone when you know who it was. He was the most beloved person in the neighborhood. And if you want to save your neck, run away, because it was Father André.

JOÃO CANTY: – Mercy! Up, everyone, and on your way, if you don't want to stay here to die damned! (drags the family)

EDUARDO: – Infamous murderer, you will have your pay.

JOÃO CANTY: – Hold your tongue and don't say who we are! Shut up or get caught!

CHICA (to Eduardo, sneaking up to him): – I know you're not Tomás. You can let me figure it out. I already know who can help you and I'm going to look for that friend right now!

JOÃO CANTY (shooing her away): – Get off our back, girl! (all leave)



(to be continued)


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