Theater for children aged 6 to 7 years - pedagogical guidelines
The 7-year-old By Cristina Maria Brigagão Abalos, Dora Regina Zorzetto Garcia and Vilma Lúcia Furtado Paschoa. In…
The 7-year-old By Cristina Maria Brigagão Abalos, Dora Regina Zorzetto Garcia and Vilma Lúcia Furtado Paschoa. In…
Piece for puppets by Ruth Salles, based on a short story by Luiza Lameirão CHARACTERS: cat, dog, rooster, hen, chick, maracanã parakeet,…
by Heloísa Borges da Costa This play is based on a traditional Portuguese tale (in Contos Tradicionais Portugueses, selection by Branquinho…
play by Ernst Schuberth translated from English and slightly adapted by Ruth Salles Children represent numbers from…
This piece, for 1st year, was made based on a short story that is part of the collection of Brothers Jakob and Wilhelm…
Ruth Salles Christmas Piece This Christmas Piece is based on a legend by Jakob Streit, found on page 15…
Play based on the eponymous poem by Robert Reinick. by Ruth Salles The child asks the sun, the bird and the wind for help…
Piece of a tale by the Brothers Grimm by Ruth Salles Dramatization of the tale of the Brothers Grimm, best known among us…
Play based on the poem by Hedwig Diestel. by Ruth Salles The two little dwarves run away from the giant. Will they be saved?
Christmas play based on the eponymous tale by Noemia Kuester Pisari Gerulis. by Ruth Salles Children only sing at the end of…
Dramatization of a tale by the Brothers Grimm. by Ruth Salles Talks about Jorindel's care and courage to save his…
by Ruth Salles The angel of Christmas calls men, animals, plants, stones, water, etc., to help prepare the crib where…