Santa Clara and San Francisco

peça de Ruth Salles peça para 3 personagens e coro cantado NOTA Esta peça, feita de início para a Escola Travessia, conta, em quatro cenas, a vocação de Francisco de Assis e Clara. Francisco chamava-se originalmente João Bernardone, mas seu pai, rico negociante de tecidos, ao voltar da França, passou a chamá-lo de “francês”, ou…

the legend of the dragon

play by Ruth Salles This play was created from a homonymous tale, based on Germanic mythology. This tale is part of Wilhelm Ruland's book “Die Schönsten Sagen des Rhein” (“The Most Beautiful Legends of the Rhine”). I took the liberty of including in it a melody composed many years ago by my mother, Julieta Mello…

Baldur's Death

play by Pelham Moffat translated and adapted by Ruth Salles This play was translated and adapted from the homonymous play by the Scottish pedagogue Pelham Moffat, found in his book “21 Plays for Children”. It is a story that comes from Scandinavian legends. Baldur's death represents the death of the ancient natural religions, of consciousness in a state of…

a Christmas story

Piece for puppets by Ruth Salles, based on a short story by Luiza Lameirão CHARACTERS: cat, dog, rooster, hen, chick, maracanã parakeet, Sol, João and Ana, Seu José and Dona Maria, Angel. 1st scenario: everything dry: cherry without cherry, mango without mango, mulberry without blackberry, dry leaves. The maracanã parakeet, the dog, the cat, the rooster, the hen…

the white rabbit

by Heloísa Borges da Costa This play is based on a traditional Portuguese tale (in Contos Tradicionais Portugueses, selection by Branquinho da Fonseca). Based on the text by Luisa Barreto, the adaptation for the 1st year of 2007 was made by Professor Heloísa Borges da Costa. All students must be on the scene at all times;…