The plant

poem by Ruth Salles blackboard drawing by teacher Verônica Calandra Martins. It's winter. Nature seems to sleep silently, but she moves quickly, working hard. And when the cold is over, spring is coming, the buds break out of the ground, covering the whole meadow. And they unfold into little leaves, little roots go down, go quickly, quickly, from…

The seed

poem by Ruth Salles Image at Creche Monte Azul. Mysterious seed that falls from the plant to the ground, what secrets does it keep deep in its heart? “I am the smallest gift that has been placed in your hand, for this tiny grain seems to be nothing. But from it you will see, in a fruitful season, grow a leafy tree...

the rivers of my land

São Francisco and Amazonas poem by Maria Sabina The rivers of my land are dragons with a green scale, or with a body the color of silver or with a back the color of mud, whose tail is untied, collar, sword, iron, the valley, the plain, the saw, carrying, undermining, flooding, fertilizing the lands of my land.

Feast of São João in Brazil

Jogral about the regions of Brazil Jogral by Ruth Salles The suggestion for this jongle is that, between each stanza, classes of younger children would perform with songs and dances typical of each region of Brazil. The class can be divided into 7 choirs.

the four little brothers

Tema: Matemática  poema de Maria Luíza Freitas Guimarães desenho de lousa da professora Beatriz Retz . Os quatro irmãozinhos Numa caverna escondida lá no reino dos duendes viviam quatro irmãozinhos, todos muito diferentes. Um magrinho, o Bondoso, sempre azul a trajar, nada guardava no bolso, seu ofício era doar. Já um outro, o Generoso, de…

The Time Lord

Tema: As quatro estações poema de Maria Luiza Freitas Guimarães Desenho de lousa da professora Patrícia Rosiane Escola Waldorf Pomar . Confiou Deus ao rei Sol, Bichos, gente, plantas, ar, cuja vida em harmonia fez a terra prosperar. O sábio senhor do tempo ao rei sol muito ajudou, trezentos e sessenta e cinco dias ele…