Advent Calendar in Tales – 1st week

Introduction and 7 tales by Georg Dreissig Many families cultivate a beautiful tradition in the time before Christmas: in the “corner of the festivities of the year” they gradually set up the landscape, in which Maria and José with their donkey go to Belém. In the first week of Advent, only stones are scattered on a brown cloth, being…

the grain of wheat

play by Ruth Salles This is a free version of the homonymous play by Elisabeth Klein, which is part of her book “Mutter Erde-Korn und Brot”. It is the story of the grain of wheat and of all those who help to make it grow. The play does not contain music, but Ruth Salles wrote melodies for two poems by…

Joseph and his brothers

peça de Pelham Moffat recriada em português por Ruth Salles Depois de lutar na primeira guerra mundial, onde perdeu um braço, Pelham Moffat (1854–1912) se interessou pelas obras de Rudolf Steiner, especialmente pela pedagogia. Depois de formado pela Universidade de Edimburgo, ajudou a fundar nessa cidade uma escola baseada nos princípios da Pedagogia Waldorf e lecionou nela, tendo escrito…